In view of the aggravation of soil-borne diseases caused by long-term heavy stubble in greenhouses and the needs of facility operation, an integrated operation process of "straight blade crushing - scraper throwing - flame disinfection - ridge forming" was adopted, and a fine rotary flame soil disinfection and ridge forming machine was designed, and the main components included rotary tillage and soil crushing device, ridge forming device, flame disinfection device, electronic lighter device, etc. As the major component of the rotary tillage and soil crushing device, the soil crushing blade roller designed in this article is mainly composed of straight blades and scrapers arranged on the blade shaft according to the spiral line, which is convenient for facilitating into the soil, ensures the soil fragmentation rate, and improves the rotary tillage efficiency, and compares the rotary tillage operation with the conventional rotary tillage blade roller through simulation, and the results showed that the performance of soil crushing blade roller in soil crushing and soil throwing was better than that of conventional rotary tillage blade roller, and the total number of soil fracture bonds caused by soil crushing blade roller was higher than that of conventional rotary tillage blade roller, which provides a good foundation for exerting the effect of flame disinfection. According to the operating parameters of the machine and the relevant knowledge of heat transfer, it is theoretically calculated that the heat demand for soil disinfection is 958.23 kJ per second, and the heat supply of the machine is 978.72 kJ per second, which is greater than the heat demand. It can heat the soil from 0~10 cm to 71.8 ℃ and the soil from 11~14 cm to 51 ℃, which achieve the lethal temperature requirements of pathogenic microorganisms and root-knot nematodes respectively. In this article, qualified rate of ridge type and insecticidal and sterilization rate are used as evaluation indicators, and blade shaft speed, machine walking speed and tillage depth are used as the influencing factors, and the reliability of the performance of the designed machine is verified through single factor and multi-factor field tests, and the best combination of operating parameters is obtained. The results of field tests showed that the primary and secondary order affecting the machine performance was as follows: machine walking speed, blade shaft speed, and tillage depth. When blade shaft speed is 270 r/min, the machine walking speed is 0.63 m/s, and the tillage depth is 22 cm, qualified rate of ridge type is 95.2%, insecticidal and sterilization rate is 82.9%, among which qualified rate of ridge type meets the ridge standard, and insecticidal and sterilization rate is close to the value achieved by other similar machine that only considers the effect of insecticidal and sterilization. The operating cost and CO
2 emission of the machine were analyzed and discussed by comparing it with dazomet mechanical soil disinfection, in which the operating cost was RMB
4543 per hectare, saving RMB
7087 per hectare compared with dazomet mechanical soil disinfection, and the CO
2 emission was
1341 kg per hectare, which has a promising application prospect. At present, Chinese greenhouse planting pattern is mostly highly intensive, and long-term heavy stubble leads to poor nutrient balance in the soil, and pathogenic bacteria and insect eggs continue to multiply and expand, infecting the roots and stems of crops, resulting in crop reduction. Therefore, soil flame disinfection is becoming more and more urgent due to its technical advantages. This article realizes the integrated operation of disinfection, fine deep tillage and ridge forming, solves the problem of repeated operation of machinery clarifies the optimal combination of operation parameters, improves the quality of operation. It can provide guidance for the practical application of the facility greenhouse fine spiral flame soil disinfection and ridge forming machine.