
    Spatiotemporal variation characteristics and driving mechanisms of the five rice terraced heritage sites in southern China

    • 摘要: 梯田作为山区的重要耕地资源,分析其时空演变特征及驱动因素,对保障粮食安全、促进梯田农业文化遗产的传承发展具有重要意义。基于2010—2020年梯田空间分布数据,利用ArcGIS和地理探测器等地理空间分析方法,从梯田面积变化、核密度以及梯田斑块格局等方面分析了中国南方五大水稻梯田的时空变化特征,并进一步揭示了梯田时空变化的驱动机制。结果表明:1)在2010—2020年间,各区域内梯田都存在不同程度的弃耕现象,主要出现在边缘破碎化地区,其中紫鹊界梯田弃耕程度最大(20.39%),加榜梯田最小(4.53%),且相比之下,紫鹊界和联合梯田的弃耕幅度有所下降;2)80%以上的梯田集中分布在中、中高及高密度区域,且受弃耕影响,高密度区域范围缩小;3)梯田破碎化程度紫鹊界梯田>加榜梯田>龙脊梯田>联合梯田>哈尼梯田,且在2010—2020年间,加榜、龙脊和联合梯田斑块破碎程度呈下降趋势,而紫鹊界和哈尼梯田的梯田斑块破碎化程度呈增长趋势;4)因子探测结果发现,对加榜、龙脊、紫鹊界、联合和哈尼梯田的梯田作用强度最大的分别为距公路距离、距居民点距离、坡度、地形起伏度和海拔。同时,交互作用结果发现,地形与通达性条件之间相互作用产生的影响力明显增大,表明地形及通达性条件对梯田的时空分布变化具有重要作用。研究结果可为中国山地地区梯田资源的保护及可持续发展提供科学依据及理论参考。


      Abstract: Terraced fields, as an important arable land resource in mountainous areas, have various ecosystem service functions and values. The changes in their quantity are closely related to national food security and sustainable land use. However, with the increasing contradictions between people, land, environment, and resources, the phenomenon of terraced fields being abandoned is becoming increasingly severe. Therefore, analyzing its spatiotemporal evolution characteristics and driving factors is of great significance for ensuring food security and promoting the inheritance and development of terraced agricultural cultural heritage. This study takes the five major rice terraces in southern China as the research object. Based on remote sensing image data from 2010 to 2020, the distribution data of terraces in each region was visually interpreted and verified. Firstly, calculation methods such as kernel density and landscape pattern index were used to reveal the spatiotemporal distribution changes of terraces in different regions from the characteristics of terrace area changes, kernel density analysis of terrace patch changes, and terrace patch pattern changes. On this basis, 11 indicators were selected as driving factors from both natural and socio-economic aspects, and a geographic detector model was used to explore the driving factors of spatiotemporal changes in terraces in different regions. Based on this, relevant feasible measures were proposed. The results showed that: 1) From 2010 to 2020, there were varying degrees of abandonment of terraced fields in each region, mainly in areas with fragmented edges. Among them, the abandonment of terraced fields in Ziquejie was the highest (25.61%), and the abandonment rate of terraced fields in Jiabang was the lowest (4.75%). In comparison, the abandonment of terraced fields in Ziquejie and Lianhe Terraced Fields decreased; 2) More than 80% of the terraced fields are concentrated in medium to high and highdensity areas, and the spatial distribution of terraced patches varies significantly in different regions. Moreover, due to the impact of abandoned cultivation, the range of highdensity areas has narrowed; 3) The calculation results of landscape pattern index show that the fragmentation degree of terraced fields in Ziquejie is the highest, followed by Jiabang, Longji, and Lianhe terraced fields. The fragmentation degree of terraced patches in the core area of Hani terraced fields is the lowest, and from 2010 to 2020, the fragmentation degree of terraced patches in Jiabang, Longji, and Lianhe terraced fields showed a decreasing trend, while the fragmentation degree of terraced patches in Ziquejie and Hani terraced fields core areas showed an increasing trend; 4) The factor detection results showed that the strongest effects on the terraced fields in the core areas of Jiabang, Longji, Ziquejie, Lianhe, and Hani terraced fields were the distance from the highway, distance from residential areas, slope, terrain undulation, and altitude, respectively. Meanwhile, the interaction results showed that the influence of the interaction between terrain and accessibility conditions significantly increased, indicating that terrain and accessibility conditions play an important role in the spatiotemporal distribution changes of terraced fields. The research results can provide scientific basis and theoretical reference for the protection and sustainable development of terraced field resources in mountainous areas of China.


