
    Optimizing the wave proof plate for a liquid manure applicator

    • 摘要: 针对液态粪肥施肥机在转场或作业过程中储肥罐中液肥晃动冲击罐体从而影响施肥机平顺性的问题,该研究采用流体力学仿真分析了液肥对罐体壁面的纵向冲击效应,据此对罐体内防浪板进行设计与优化。以储肥罐总纵向冲击载荷峰值作为评价指标,分析防浪板下边缘高度、防浪孔位置高度、防浪孔直径、防浪板波齿数量、梯形齿高度对评价指标的影响,通过正交试验得出防浪板最优参数为防浪板下边缘高度345 mm,防浪孔位置高度133 mm,防浪孔直径622 mm。应用相似理论,搭建配置市场现有防浪板结构和优化后防浪板结构的两种罐体试验装置,推导冲击载荷监测点位置,并开展防浪板对抑制液肥晃动及整机稳定性的试验研究。抑制液肥晃动试验表明优化后储肥罐防止液肥晃动的效果更好,通过对充液比为0.8时的计算模拟值与输出值对比发现相对误差不超过7%,验证了流体力学仿真模型及相似准则模拟值的准确性,整机稳定性试验结果显示优化后储肥罐在田间路面上的俯仰、侧倾角速度相较于已有的储肥罐分别优化了20% 和17%,在非田间路面上分别优化了25%和17.2%,进一步验证了该储肥罐良好的工作性能。研究可为液态粪肥施肥机罐体防浪板的设计提供参考。


      Abstract: Liquid fertilizer sloshing can often occur within storage tanks of manure applicators during transportation or operation. It is very necessary to improve the smoothness and the quality of fertilization in the liquid manure applicator. This study aims to optimize the wave proof plate within the tank using advanced CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation with the Finite Element method (FEM). A systematic investigation was also conducted to clarify the longitudinal impact of liquid fertilizer on the tank wall. The primary metric system was taken as the loading peak of the total longitudinal impact on the fertilizer storage tank. A specific evaluation was also carried out to determine the influence of various parameters on the performance of wave proof plate. These parameters included the lower edge height of wave proof plate, the position height and diameter of wave proof holes, the number of wave teeth on the wave proof plate, as well as the height of trapezoidal teeth. The optimal combination of parameters was determined for the anti-slosh baffle using Response Surface method (RSM) with CFD simulation. Specifically, the optimal combination of parameters was achieved, where the height of the lower edge was 345 mm, the position height and diameter of wave proof hole were 133 and 622 mm, respectively. In addition, two similar devices of fertilizer storage tanks were constructed to further validate the effectiveness of the optimized anti-slosh baffle. One tank was equipped with a commercially available wave proof plate structure, while another was fitted with the self-developed wave proof plate. The similarity ratio was used to derive the positions of impact load monitoring points on the heads of the similar tanks and the anti-slosh baffles. The sloshing suppression tests demonstrated that the fertilizer storage tank was reduced the sloshing amplitude of liquid fertilizer during braking. The superior performance was achieved to suppress the sloshing of liquid fertilizer, particularly for the better smoothness of the applicator and the high quality of fertilization. Notably, there was the less than 7% relative error between the CFD simulated and sensor-monitored peak values of the total longitudinal impact load. The accuracy of CFD simulation model was further validated for the similar criterion. Furthermore, a series of experiments were then conducted to investigate the impact of the baffle on the overall stability of the machine. The better performance was achieved to suppress the liquid fertilizer sloshing, particularly in the demonstration cases at the filling ratios of 0.5 and 0.8. The overall stability tests demonstrated that the fertilizer storage tank was significantly improved in the pitch angular speed and lateral angular speed, compared with a commercial tank. Specifically, the improvements were 20.0% and 17.0%, respectively, on field roads; while the improvements were 20.8% and 17.2%, respectively, on off-field roads. In conclusion, the CFD model and similarity criterion were verified to restrain the slosh of liquid fertilizer for the high stability and accuracy of fertilizer storage tank in the whole machine. This finding can also provide the valuable insights and strong reference to design the wave proof plates in the storage tanks for the liquid manure fertilizer applicators.


