
    Mechanism and technical mode of "loamy-sandy-clayey" soil profile using iron tailings

    • 摘要: 针对辽西半干旱生态脆弱区内铁矿采选产生的铁矿尾砂等废弃物大规模堆积占地、污染环境,而露天采坑等废弃地复垦土源匮乏的问题,提出利用铁矿尾砂等充填采坑并构造农田土壤剖面构型的铁矿尾砂大规模农业资源化利用理念。通过采集铁矿尾砂和区域正常农田土壤,试验分析铁矿尾砂的基本理化特性、元素含量及利用的可行性;基于“土层生态位”和“土壤关键层”理论,探讨其作为土壤剖面构造材料的作用机理;结合已有实践经验,构建出适合辽西半干旱气候特点的具有“壤-砂-黏”结构的农田土壤剖面构型技术模式。结果表明:1)铁矿尾砂的砂粒分数为28.49 %~33.23%,粉粒分数为66.11%~71.64%,黏粒分数小于1.0%;pH呈弱碱性,电导率能满足作物生长要求,无重金属污染,且富含作物所需的有益微量元素,可作为土壤剖面重构材料。2)铁矿尾砂构造土壤剖面构型的作用机理是利用其砂粒结构粒间大孔隙蓄水的特征作为保墒层,结合采矿剥离表土和底层红黏土,构造形成“壤(表层)-砂(蓄水层)-黏(保水层)”结构的土壤剖面,起到蓄水保墒的作用;同时,将铁矿尾砂以25%掺混在黏质表层土壤中,增加耕层厚度的同时改良土壤质地。3)具体构造技术模式:按从下到上的顺序依次铺设“粒径20~50 cm的大块废石(充填至距地表1 m)-粒径4~6 cm的碎石(20~30 cm)-红黏土(20~30 cm)-铁矿尾砂(20~30 cm)-剥离表土(20~30 cm,掺混约25%的铁矿尾砂)”。通过分析辽宁省建平县的4个复垦案例,证明该技术不仅能解决矿区固废堆积带来的生态环境问题,还能增加耕地面积,提升农田质量,种植玉米增产705 kg/hm2。形成的矿区生态修复的新模式,可在其他类似铁矿区因地制宜地推广应用。


      Abstract: Iron tailings and wastes have been generated by a large number of iron ore mines in the semi-arid ecologically fragile areas of western Liaoning Province in China. The resulting environmental pollution and the scarcity of soil sources can also pose a serious threat to the reclamation of abandoned mine sites, such as open pits. In this study, the large-scale agricultural resource utilization of iron tailings was proposed to construct a reclaimed farmland soil profile in the western Liaoning Province, China. Specifically, the iron tailings and wastes were also used to fill the mining pits. The iron tailings and normal farmland soils were collected from the same region. A series of experiments were then carried out on the basic physico-chemical properties, elemental content, and utilization feasibility of iron tailings. According to the theories of “the niche of soil layer” and “the critical layer of the soil”, the function of iron tailings was explored as the soil profile material. The technical mode was constructed for a highly arable farmland soil profile with the structure of “loamy-sandy-clayey” suitable for the semi-arid climate characteristics in the study area. The results showed that: 1) The sand grain content of iron tailings ranged from 28.49 % to 33.23%, while the silt content was 66.11% to 71.64%, and the clay content was less than 1.0%. The pH of iron tailings was represented by the weakly alkaline. At the same time, the conductivity was fully meet the requirements of crop growth. The heavy metal content was much lower than the national standard of Soil environmental quality Risk control standard for soil contamination of agricultural land (GB 15618 -2018). It was also rich in the beneficial trace elements required by crops. Consequently, the iron tailings served as the reconstruction materials of the soil profile. 2) Iron tailings were utilized as the sandy structure with large intergranular pores for water storage. A soil moisture retention layer was constructed to form a soil profile configuration system from the top to the bottom of "loamy (topsoil layer)-sandy (moisture retention layer)-clay (water barrier layer)". As such, the iron tailings were used to store and preserve the water and moisture for crop growth in the semi-arid areas. Meanwhile, the iron tailings were mixed in 25% amounts into the clayey topsoil, in order to increase the thickness of the tillage layer with the better soil texture. 3) The specific construction was to make full use of the waste rock, iron tailings, subsoil red clay, and stripped topsoil produced by iron ore mining. A ‘loamy-sandy-clayey’ soil profile configuration was obtained with the “large rocks with a grain size of 20-50cm (filled up to 1m from the surface) - crushed rocks with a grain size of 4-6cm (20-30cm) - red clay (20-30cm) - iron tailings (20-30cm) - stripped topsoil (20-30cm, mixed with iron tailings of about 25%)”, in the order from the bottom to the top. Four reclamation cases were selected in Jianping County, Liaoning Province, China. Therefore, the area of cultivated land increased to solve the ecological problems caused by solid waste accumulation in mining areas. The quality of farmland was also improved to increase the yield of maize by 705 kg/hm2. National food security was maintained to alleviate the contradiction between mining and agricultural land. The ecological restoration mode can be applied to similar iron ore mining areas, according to the regional conditions.


