
    Effects and driving factors of water and fertilizer coupling on the yield and quality of tomato cultivated in carbon substrate

    • 摘要: 为明晰水肥耦合对炭基质栽培番茄产量品质的提升效应,将生物炭混掺到由酒糟、秸秆等农业废弃物拌制成的基质模块中,设置2个灌溉量(I1:100%ETc,I2:80%ETc,ETc为作物蒸发蒸腾量),2个施肥量(N-P2O5-K2O)(F1:240-180-200 kg/hm2,F2:180-135-150 kg/hm2)及基质中4个生物炭添加量(B0:0,B1:1%,B3:3%,B5:5%),共16组处理,研究水肥耦合对炭基质栽培番茄叶面积指数(leaf area index, LAI)、叶绿素相对含量(soil and plant analyzer development, SPAD)、植株养分(全氮、全钾、有机碳)吸收量、化学计量特征(氮钾比、碳氮比)、产量及品质(可溶性固形物含量、维生素C含量、硝酸盐含量、可溶性糖含量、可滴定酸含量、糖酸比)的影响,揭示炭基质栽培番茄产量及品质的关键驱动因子,构建以番茄产量、品质及其关键驱动因子为目标的熵权-TOPSIS多目标综合评价模型,提出水肥与炭基质耦合的最优方案。结果表明:炭基质对番茄LAI、SPAD值、养分吸收量、产量及品质影响显著(P<0.05);在相同灌溉和施肥条件下,炭基质增加了番茄整株钾吸收量、整株碳同化量、产量及维生素C含量,降低了硝酸盐含量;基于结构方程模型,番茄整株碳同化量是产量的关键驱动因子,其增加有助于提高番茄产量,氮钾比是品质的关键驱动因子,其降低有助于改善番茄品质;采用熵权-TOPSIS多目标综合评价模型,筛选出I1F2B3处理是水肥与炭基质耦合的最优方案。研究可为农业废弃物高效利用及高品质果蔬的水肥炭有效管理提供理论依据。


      Abstract: Substrate cultivation has been characterized by the high yield and quality of tomatoes in recent years. Furthermore, biochar can be recognized as the soil conditioner to serve as the ideal additive in the substrate, due to the abundant porosity and the large specific surface area. This study aims to clarify the effects of irrigation and fertilizer coupling on the yield and quality of tomatoes cultivated in a biochar substrate. The biochar was incorporated into the substrate mixture that included agricultural wastes, such as distiller's grains and straw. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of varying irrigation and fertilizer regimes on the leaf area index (LAI), soil and plant analyzer development (SPAD), plant nutrient uptake, N/K ratio, C/N ratio, yield, and quality of tomato cultivated in biochar substrate. The experiment consisted of two irrigation levels: I1 (100% ETc, where ETc referred to crop evapotranspiration) and I2 (80% ETc); two fertilization rates (N-P2O5-K2O): F1 (240-180-200 kg/hm2) and F2 (180-135-150 kg/hm2); and four amounts of biochar application: B0 (0), B1 (1%), B3 (3%), and B5 (5%). Furthermore, a structural equation model (SEM) was utilized to explore the driving factors of water-fertilizer coupling on the yield and quality of tomatoes cultivated in biochar substrate. Additionally, an entropy weight-TOPSIS model of multi-objective evaluation was also constructed with the targeting yield, quality, and their key driving factors. The optimal scheme was identified for the coupling of water and fertilizer with the biochar substrate. The results indicated that the biochar substrate had significant effects on LAI, SPAD value, nutrient uptake, yield, and quality of tomatoes (P < 0.05). Under the same conditions of irrigation and fertilization, the biochar substrate improved the potassium absorption and carbon assimilation of the whole plant, yield, and vitamin C content in the tomato plants while simultaneously reducing nitrate content. Furthermore, under the same fertilization rate, the yield decreased with the decrease of irrigation amount, and the soluble solids content, vitamin C content, and soluble sugar content increased with the decrease of irrigation amount. Compared with the I1 treatment, the I2 treatment resulted in an average decrease in yield by 13%, and an average increase in soluble solids content, vitamin C content, and soluble sugar content by 17%, 8%, and 11%, respectively. The SEM revealed that the carbon assimilation of the whole plant was the primary influencing factor on the yield, indicating a significant positive correlation (λ=0.96, P<0.001). The N/K ratio emerged as the principal regulatory factor for both nitrate content and the sugar-acid ratio, indicating a significant negative correlation with the sugar-acid ratio (λ=-0.66, P<0.01) and a significant positive correlation with nitrate content (λ=0.53, P<0.001). The SPAD value shared an indirect promoting effect on the yield and quality. According to the entropy weight-TOPSIS model of a multi-objective comprehensive evaluation, the I1F2B3 treatment had the highest comprehensive ranking with a relative closeness degree of 0.76. Therefore, I1F2B3 treatment can be the optimal coupling strategy of water and fertilizer and biochar substrate to synergistically improve yield and quality. This research can provide a theoretical basis to improve the utilization rate of agricultural waste and the effective management of irrigation, fertilizer, and biochar in the cultivation of high-quality vegetables.


