
    Effects of biochar particle size and dosage on the strength of Vertisols

    • 摘要: 生物炭作为改良剂常被用来消减砂姜黑土黏重、易粘结成块、耕性差等障碍因子。先前的研究关注了生物炭用量和类型对砂姜黑土强度的改良效果,但不同粒径和用量生物炭对砂姜黑土强度的影响机理并不完全清楚。为明确不同粒径和用量生物炭对砂姜黑土强度的影响。该研究选择两种典型砂姜黑土,通过室内模拟试验测定了两种粒径(1~2 mm和< 0.15 mm)和3个不同用量(1%、3%和5%)生物炭处理下2种不同质地(粉质黏壤土和粉黏土)砂姜黑土的抗张强度、圆锥贯入深度和不排水抗剪切强度。结果表明:3%和5%粗颗粒生物炭(粒径1~2 mm)处理显著降低砂姜黑土的抗张强度(P < 0.05),且对粉黏土抗张强度降低程度高于粉质黏壤土。细颗粒生物炭(粒径< 0.15 mm)处理并没有降低砂姜黑土的抗张强度,且生物炭1%细颗粒生物炭处理的抗张强度比对照高16.0%和21.2%。生物炭处理增加了圆锥灌入深度与含水率回归方程的斜率,且对粉黏土的增加效果更显著。对于粗颗粒生物炭,3%和5%生物炭处理总体上降低了砂姜黑土圆锥贯入深度,增加了不排水抗剪切强度。对于细颗粒生物炭,生物炭施用对砂姜黑土圆锥贯入深度和不排水抗剪切强度的影响可能增加、降低或无影响。生物炭施用对砂姜黑土强度的影响与生物炭粒径和用量、土壤性质和含水率密切相关。该研究所得结果可以为生物炭对砂姜黑土结构和耕性改良提供数据支撑和理论依据。


      Abstract: Biochar is commonly used as an amendment to improve the properties of Vertisols with very sticky, easy sticking together, and poor tillage. Previous studies have focused on the effect of biochar dosage and type on the improvement of Vertisol. This study aims to clarify the effect of biochar particle size and dosage on the strength of Vertisol. Two typical Vertisols (silty clay loam and silty clay) were also selected. The simulation experiments were then carried out on the biochar with two particle sizes (1-2 mm and < 0.15 mm) and three dosages (1%, 3% and 5%). A systematic investigation was made to determine the tensile strength, cone penetration depth, and undrained shear strength of Vertisols. The results show that the tensile strength of silty clay loam decreased by 23.2% and 65.5% in the 3% and 5% coarse biochar treatments, respectively, compared with the control. The tensile strength of the silty clay decreased by 28.4%, 41.6%, and 62.4% in the 1%, 3%, and 5% coarse-grained biochar treatments, respectively, compared with the control. Thus, the coarse-grained biochar treatment significantly reduced the tensile strength of Vertisols. The higher the biochar dosage was, the lower the tensile strength was. Biochar was lesser reduced the tensile strength of silty clay loam than that of silty clay. In contrast, the fine-grained biochar treatment failed to reduce the tensile strength of Vertisols. Specifically, the tensile strength of silty clay loam and silty clay after 1% fine-grained biochar treatment was 16.0% and 21.2% higher than those of the control, respectively. Biochar treatment increased the slope of the regression equation for the cone penetration depth and water content. Particularly, there was a greater increase in the silt clay than that in the silty clay loam. The slope of silty clay loam increased by 7.8% to 27.4%, while the slope of silt clay increased by 35.6% to 53.9% after biochar treatment, compared with the control. The relationship between undrained shear strength and water content was better fitted by logarithmic function (R2 > 0.941, RMSE < 0.210 kPa) under different biochar treatments. In silty clay loam, 1% coarse-grained and 1% and 3% fine-grained biochar treatments had little effect on the cone penetration depth and undrained water shear strength. But 3% and 5% coarse-grained and 5% fine-grained biochar treatments reduced the cone penetration depth, where there was an increase in the undrained shear strength. In the silty clay, 3% and 5% coarse-grained biochar generally reduced the cone penetration depth, whereas there was an increase in the undrained shear strength. Once the water content was higher than 0.45 g/g, the fine-grained biochar treatment increased the cone penetration depth, but there was a decrease in the undrained shear strength. As such, the effect of biochar application on the strength of Vertisols was closely related to the biochar particle size and dosage, soil properties, and water content. The reason was that the biochar adjusted the cohesion, internal friction angle, and suction stress among soil particles.


