
    Effects of hydrochar-based nano selenium on methane production and arsenic removal from mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion of swine manure

    • 摘要: 在消化过程中投加负载微量元素硒(Se)的纳米材料或生物炭基材料,是解决畜禽养殖废弃物厌氧消化效率低以及有害重金属元素富集的有效途径。该研究通过水热炭化法制得水热炭基纳米硒(SeHC),并对其物理化学特性进行了具体表征分析。基于此,以含砷(以As计,4.43 mg/kg)猪粪废水为研究对象,开展批次厌氧消化试验,探究中温(37℃)和中高温(44℃)两种工艺条件下SeHC对猪粪厌氧消化产甲烷性能及发酵物中砷去除的影响。结果表明:SeHC相对未负载纳米硒的水热炭HC比表面积显著(P<0.05)增加15.1%,表面官能团(N-H、C=O、C-O和C-X)种类更为丰富;通过厌氧发酵产气性能监测及Gompertz模型拟合,发现中高温耦合外源SeHC处理组强化厌氧产甲烷效果最佳,SeHC处理组的P’(甲烷生产潜力)和Rm(最大产甲烷速率)分别较CK组显著提升72.20%和75.54%,提升率远高于中温条件下;添加SeHC对厌氧消化体系中的砷含量削减效果也最佳,中温下SeHC处理组的砷去除率为5.3%,是CK组的1.86倍,中高温下SeHC处理组的砷去除率为10.7%,是同等温度条件下CK组的3.2倍。综上所述,水热炭基纳米硒SeHC耦合中高温厌氧消化工艺,在同步提高厌氧消化性能和有害物质砷去除方面更具优势,研究结果将为今后水热炭基纳米硒材料功能开发及其在环境和能源领域的应用提供理论参考。


      Abstract: Anaerobic digestion of livestock and poultry waste has been confined to the low efficiency and the accumulation of harmful heavy metals. An effective way can be expected for the nanomaterials or biochar-based materials rich in the trace element selenium (Se). Particularly, selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs) have attracted much more interests in recent years, due to their low toxicity, high biocompatibility, and excellent physicochemical properties. Therefore, the SeNPs have been widely used in the various fields, such as environmental remediation, agricultural production, clinical medicine, and chemical manufacturing. Generally, the SeNPs can be synthesized by different approaches (e.g. biological, physical, and chemical ones). This study aims to explore the effects of hydrochar-based nano selenium on methane production and arsenic removal from mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion of swine manure. The Bacillus subtilis subspecies stercoris strain XP from our laboratory was added into the preparation of bio-nano selenium. Bio-nano selenium and garden wastes (i.e., bark, branches, and wood chips of arboreal trees) were applied to prepare the hydrochar-based nano selenium (SeHC) through hydrothermal carbonization. And then the physicochemical properties of SeHC were further analyzed to facilitate the subsequent applications. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), mapping imaging, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) were applied to characterize the resulting materials. Batch experiments of anaerobic digestion were carried out to verify the preparation. Swine manure containing arsenic (4.43 mg/kg) was taken as the research object. The SeHC was also added for the reinforcement. Three treatment groups were also applied, including hydrochar (HC), bio-nano selenium (Se), and SeHC. A systematic investigation was implemented to explore the effects of different treatments on methane production of swine manure and the removal rate of arsenic under mesophilic (37°C) and thermophilic (44°C) anaerobic digestions. Meanwhile, the treatment group without any addition of hydrochar or selenium was considered as the control (CK). The results showed that the SeHC shared a multi-dimensional spatial structure, where the spherical nano-selenium particles with a diameter of 100~200 nm were successfully loaded on the surface of SeHC. The BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) surface area of SeHC was significantly (P<0.05) enhanced by 15.1%, compared with the HC without selenium modification. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) indicated that much many more types of surface functional groups (e.g. N-H, C=O, C-O, and C-X) were found in the SeHC. Moreover, the Gompertz model fitting showed that the thermophilic fermentation coupled with SeHC treatment group was more conducive to the anaerobic methanization. In terms of the mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic conditions, the final cumulative methane production (P’) and the maximum methane production rate (Rm) of the SeHC treatment group were significantly promoted by 39.37%, 11.70%, 72.20%, and 75.54%, respectively, compared with the CK group. Meanwhile, the treatment of SeHC shared the better efficiency in the removal of arsenic under anaerobic digestion. The removal rate was ranked in the descending order of the SeHC, Se, HC, CK. Specifically, the maximum removal rate was 5.3% and 10.7% in the mesophilic and thermophilic digestion, respectively. In summary, the SeHC coupled with the thermophilic anaerobic digestion can be expected to improve the anaerobic digestion for the rapid removal of harmful substances, such as arsenic. The findings can also provide a theoretical reference to develop the hydrochar-based nano selenium in the environmental and bioenergy production.


