
    Impacts of high-standard farmland construction policy on cultivated land system resilience

    • 摘要: 厘清高标准农田建设对耕地系统韧性的影响与作用机制对中国高标准农田建设政策优化、耕地资源健康和可持续利用具有重要意义。该研究在理论层面分析高标准农田建设对耕地系统韧性影响的基础上,利用2001—2022年中国31个省份面板数据,综合测度耕地系统韧性指数,分析其时空演化特征,并构建双重差分模型揭示高标准农田建设对耕地系统韧性的作用效应。结果表明:1)2001—2022年中国耕地韧性指数呈现波动上升的演进态势,数值处于0.274~0.427,累计提升55.57%;韧性指数空间上差异显著,高水平区主要分布在东部地区的江苏、山东、福建、广东等一带,低水平区集中于西部地区的四川、云南、贵州、西藏等省份,中部地区韧性水平初期相对较低,后期缓慢提升。2)高标准农田建设对耕地系统韧性具有显著的正向效应,并随时间推移影响效应逐渐增强,且在平行趋势和稳健性检验后仍成立。3)高标准农田建设通过提升农田基础设施、耕地规模经营以及农业机械化水平进而对耕地系统韧性产生积极作用。4)影响效应存在异质性,粮食主产区效应最强,产销平衡区次之,主销区最低;在地理区域上,影响效应从大到小依次为西部、中部、东北、东部。因此,政策制定者和农田管理者在实施高标准农田建设时,必须充分评估耕地系统韧性,以制定适应性建设和管理方案,保障项目的成功实施与持续发展。


      Abstract: Cultivated land plays an important role in maintaining national food production, social stability and high-quality economic development of a region. Cultivated land system resilience (CLSR) is an important indicator to characterize the ability of cultivated land system to gradually recover its original state after being exposed to certain risks or shocks in the external environment, such as natural ecological environment, social and economic environment. It is of great significance to improve CLSR level for promoting health and sustainable use of cultivated land resources. High-standard farmland construction is a policy tool of the public investment in China. Existing studies on the effect of high-standard farmland construction mainly focus on the impacts on cultivated land quality, agricultural productivity and food security. However, there is a lack of research on the relationship between high-standard farmland construction and the CLSR. Therefore, based on the theoretical analysis of the impact of high-standard farmland construction on CLSR, this paper uses panel data from 31 provinces in China from 2001 to 2022 to build a difference in difference model to comprehensively investigate the effects of high-standard farmland construction on CLSR. The results showed that: (1) The average CLSR level showed a fluctuating upward trend in China from 2001 to 2022, with the value ranging from 0.274 to 0.427, a total increase of 55.57%. The spatial difference of CLSR was significant. High-level areas were mainly distributed in Eastern China, such as Jiangsu, Shandong, Fujian, and Guangdong. Low-level areas were concentrated in Western China, such as Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Xizang. Besides, the CLSR level in the Central China was relatively low in the early stage and slowly increased in the later. (2) High-standard farmland construction had a significant positive effect on CLSR, which gradually increases over the time. This conclusion still held true after parallel trend and robustness tests. (3) Mechanism analysis showed that the high-standard farmland construction played a positive role in improving the level of farmland scale management, farmland infrastructure and agricultural mechanization, and then promotes the level of CLSR. (4) This effect had great heterogeneity in food production location and geographical region. The strongest effect was exerted in the major grain-producing areas, followed by production-marketing balance areas, and lowest in major grain-marketing areas. In terms of geographical region, the effects from high to low were Western China, Central China, Northeastern China, and Eastern China. Based on these findings, policy implications were drawn. On the one hand, the government should continue to increase investment in the project of high-standard farmland construction, and give full play to its role in improving the CLSR levels. On the other hand, differentiated and diversified high-standard farmland construction models and management and protection measures should be implemented according to the different resilience levels of regional cultivated land systems.


