
    Relative humidity control in hot air drying of carrot based on the law of relative humidity change

    • 摘要: 为优化调控相对湿度(relative humidity,RH),以提高果蔬恒温热风干燥的干燥效率和品质,该研究提出了基于RH变化规律的调控方式。在干燥前期,物料蒸发出的水分使得RH上升,当检测到RH趋于稳定时转入干燥中期。在干燥中期,当RH呈下降趋势时,关闭排湿升高RH,以降低表面水分蒸发量(E)并提高内部水分迁移量(D);当RH呈上升趋势时,开启排湿降低RH以提高E值。若关闭排湿后,表面蒸发的水分不足以使RH升高,或物料温度趋近于干燥介质的温度时,干燥转入干燥后期。在干燥后期开启排湿降低RH以增大E值,当RH变化速率小于1%/min时,达到干燥终点。干燥温度60 ℃,风速3.0 m/s的胡萝卜干燥试验结果表明,第0~8 min为干燥前期,在第9 min时RH变化速率小于0.5%,进入干燥中期。第9~143 min为干燥中期,此阶段内RH呈现下降趋势的时间逐渐缩短,而呈现上升趋势的时间逐渐延长。在第137~143 min内,RH不再呈现上升趋势,转入干燥后期。143 min以后为干燥后期,第370 min时RH变化速率小于1%/min,干燥过程结束。该RH控制方式提高了D值降低了E值,使得DE值在0.2~2.3 h内维持基本相等,相应的物料温度呈现阶梯上升的变化趋势。在0~0.2 h内,表明水分累积量(Q)迅速上升,物料被一层水膜包裹,不会产生明显的结壳现象;在0.2~2.3 h内,Q值在零点处上下波动,共产生3个零点,干燥速率逐渐降低,迁移至表面的水分即刻在表面蒸发,未产生积累,延缓结壳发生时机且脱除了大量水分;在2.3 h以后,Q逐渐小于0,物料表面产生明显结壳现象并逐渐增厚。自动控湿干燥条件下干燥时间为6.1 h,复水比和收缩率分别为(4.41±0.02)g/g、(27.32±1.51)%,相对于恒定20% RH时干燥时间缩短了24.6%,保留了较多的水分迁移孔道。基于RH变化规律的RH调控方式提高了干燥效率和品质,为果蔬热风干燥过程中如何调控RH提供理论依据。


      Abstract: Step-down relative humidity (RH) means that the RH is gradually reduced to improve the drying efficiency and quality in hot air drying. The hot air drying with step-down RH has been successfully applied to the yam slices, Dahongpao pepper, and papaya slices drying. This study aims to regulate the step-down RH in the period of dehumidification, in order to improve the efficiency and quality. Three stages of dehumidification were two-, multi-stage dehumidification drying and RH control, according to the material temperature. The internal moisture migration and surface moisture were also selected to represent the changes in RH. Specifically, there was an increase in the surface moisture evaporation, when the RH shared an upward trend. Once the RH showed a downward trend, the internal water moisture increased much more than the surface water evaporation. As such, the RH control regime was as follows, according to the RH changes. In the early drying, the evaporation of the material itself caused the RH rise. The middle drying then reached, after the RH was stable. If the RH shared a downward trend, the dehumidification was closed to improve the RH, in order to reduce the surface water evaporation (E) and improve the internal water migration (D). If the RH was rising, the dehumidification was opened to reduce the RH for the high E. If the moisture evaporation on the surface was not enough to increase the RH, or the temperature of the material approached the drying medium temperature, the drying was transferred to the later stage. At the same time, the dehumidification was also opened to reduce the RH for the high E value. The drying end point was reached when the change rate of RH was less than the critical range. Under a drying temperature of 60 ℃ and air velocity of 3.0 m/s, the drying test of the carrot showed that 0-8 min was the early drying, and the RH change rate was less than 0.5% at 8 min. Afterward, the carrot entered the middle drying. The duration of the RH decreasing trend was gradually shortened in the drying period from 8 to 131 min. Whereas, there was the extended in the duration of RH rising trend. Within 137-142 min, there was no rising trend of RH in the period of late drying. At 370 min, the RH change rate was less than 1%/min, indicating that the drying process ended. The RH control mode was used to increase the D and decrease the E value. Consequently, the D and E values remained basically equal within 0.2-2.3 h. Meanwhile, the material temperature presented a step-rising trend correspondingly. Within 0-0.2 h, the accumulation of water (Q) raised rapidly in the material, where the layer of water film was formed to wrap, particularly without the outstanding crust. Within 0.2-2.3 h, the Q value fluctuated up and down at the zero point. The drying rate decreased gradually to produce three zero points in total. The water migrating to the surface was immediately evaporated on the surface without accumulation, indicating the delaying time of crust occurrence to remove a large amount of water. Furthermore, the Q value was gradually less than 0, where the surface of the material produced the outstanding crust to gradually thicken after 2.3 h. After that, the rehydration ratio and shrinkage rate were (4.41±0.02) g/g and (27.32±1.51) %, respectively, at the drying time of 5.6 h. The drying time was shortened by 24.6%, compared with the constant 20%RH. More water migration channels were retained to realize the automatic control of RH. The finding can also provide the theoretical basis and technical support for the RH control during hot air drying of fruits and vegetables.


