
    Rapid grading prediction of mould in rice grains based on factorisation and partial least squares algorithm

    • 摘要: 粮食的霉变严重影响其品质与食品安全,而常规检测手段存在速度慢以及需要大量专业实验室设备和操作人员等缺陷,近红外光谱分析技术具有分析速度快、非破坏性、测试重现性好、易于实现在线分析和操作简单等诸多优点,是一种作为快速检测的很有潜力的方法。该研究基于近红外光谱分析技术建立了霉情检测模型,对不同霉变程度稻谷进行近红外光谱的快速识别预测研究,旨在开发一种可以快速鉴别霉变稻谷定性、定量模型。研究对4种(2018年牡丹江27号、2019年牡丹江27号、龙粳长粒香和牡响1号)不同霉变程度共960组霉变稻谷样品进行不同霉变程度的定性判别模型研究,其中一阶导数+9点平滑+因子化法建立定性判别模型准确度较高,样品之间的距离S均值>1,分辨效果好,通过留一交互验证验证模型的平均准确率为93.00%;基于近红外光谱对4种不同霉变程度共300组霉变稻谷样品进行霉菌菌落总数的定量模型研究,通过矢量归一化法+偏最小二乘法(partial least squares, PLS)定量分析建立定量判别模型,其交叉验证的均方根误差(root mean square error of cross-validation, RMSECV)、决定系数(corrlation coefficient of determination, R2)、性能与偏差之比(ratio of performance to deviation, RPD)和预测均方根误差(root mean squared error of predicition, RMSEP)分别为0.47、0.904 5、3.24和0.45,因而该模型的建立获得了精确度较好的霉变快速预测模型。经过分析方法优选后而建立的霉变判别模型显示,霉变是影响近红外光谱变化的主导因素,而稻谷的品种与年际对其影响较小。研究结果为基于近红外光谱分析技术对不同运输过程中的稻谷实现快速预测其霉变程度或其霉菌数量以及用于集装箱内粮食霉变情况监控在线实时监测装备的研究提供参考。


      Abstract: Food spoilage caused by mold has posed a major threat to grain quality and national food safety. Mold can also produce mycotoxins damage to the nutritional value of cereals, and even be harmful to human health. It is highly required for efficient and reliable detection. Traditional detection of the mold in grains can often involve time-consuming laboratory tests that rely heavily on specialized equipment. It is very necessary to realize the rapid on-site assessments. Alternatively, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can be expected to rapidly detect the mold of agricultural products, due mainly to the detection speed, non-destructive testing, repeatability, and easy online analysis. The purpose of this study was to establish a mold detection model in rice using NIRS. A systematic investigation was also implemented to rapidly distinguish rice from the different levels of mold. A dataset of 960 samples was taken from four varieties with different mold degrees (2018 Mudanjiang 27, 2019 Mudanjiang 27, Longjing Changlixiang, and Muxiang 1). Qualitative discrimination models were then realized for the different degrees of mold contamination. The first derivative was combined with 9-point smoothing and factorization during preprocessing, in order to obtain the qualitative discriminant model with high accuracy. The mean S value greater than 1 represented the excellent performance to distinguish between mildewed and non-mildewed rice. The accuracy of the model was further verified by a leave-one cross-validation. The accuracy reached 93%. In addition, 300 independent data sets of rice samples were also utilized with the different degrees of mildew. The total number of mold colonies was quantitatively characterized using NIRs. A discrimination model was then established by vector normalization and partial least squares (PLS) method. Some indexes were calculated to evaluate the accuracy of cross-validation root-mean-square error (RMSECV), determination coefficient (R²), and performance deviation ratio (RPD). The prediction root-mean-square error (RMSEP) was also used to evaluate the accuracy of the model. The results showed that the values of RMSECV, R², RPD, and RMSEP were 0.47, 0.904 5, 3.24, and 0.45, respectively. The first three parameters indicated the high precision of the model, while the latter indicated the high accuracy of the model. Therefore, the improved model with high accuracy was achieved to rapidly predict the mold in grains. The mold was the main influencing factor on the variation of the NIR spectrum after optimization. On the contrary, there were relatively small effects of rice variety and harvest year on the spectral characteristics. Therefore, the NIRs can be highlighted to detect mold contamination in rice, regardless of variety or time differences. This finding can provide a strong reference for the rapid prediction of the mildew degree or amount of rice in different transportation using NIR spectroscopy. Online real-time monitoring equipment can also be offered to monitor the grain mildew in containers.


