
    Realizing urban agriculture function during territorial spatial planning under supply and demand adaptation

    • 摘要: 城市农业是现代农业及城市系统的重要组成部分,推动城市农业多元功能价值实现,对于加快农业转型升级、促进城乡融合发展具有重要意义。该文在对相关概念内涵进行系统辨析的基础上,分析城市农业功能价值实现的供需逻辑及现实困境,理序国土空间规划在城市农业功能价值实现中的作用机理,探索提出“供需适配下国土空间规划中城市农业功能价值实现”的路径框架。结果表明:1)城市农业具有伴生性、高效性、复合化、个性化等内涵特征,兼具农业基础生产功能和社会、经济、生态、文化、景观等农业多元拓展功能,探索实现城市农业功能价值的全面“显化”意义重大;2)当前城市农业面临着生产要素供给不足、农业资源易被挤压、产品供给与需求错配、生态环境保护压力大、社会认知与参与度低、政策制度保障不完善等现实困境,以国土空间规划为引领,推进供需两端的精准有效对接是城市农业功能价值实现的关键所在;3)需要以“系统评价、目标定位,空间引导、产业指引、机制创设”5项主要任务为核心,以“总体规划、专项规划、详细规划”3类规划传导为重点,构建基于供需适配的国土空间规划中城市农业功能价值实现的逻辑框架。


      Abstract: Urban agriculture is one of the most crucial components in modern agriculture and urban systems. The multifaceted functional values of urban agriculture are of significant importance to accelerate the agricultural transformation and urban-rural integration, thus fostering the more sustainable cities. Territorial spatial planning can serve as the spatial blueprint for sustainable development, in order to promote the functional values of urban agriculture. This study aims to realize the urban agriculture function during territorial spatial planning under supply and demand adaptation. Firstly, the systematic analysis was made on the connotations of the functional values for the urban agriculture. Then, the logical framework and practical challenges were examined to realize these functional values, from the perspective of supply and demand. Finally, the territorial spatial planning was proposed to achieve these functional values. A pathway was also recommended for “realizing the functional values of urban agriculture in territorial spatial planning”. A balanced and supply-demand aligned approach was developed to facilitate the multifaceted functions of urban agriculture within the system of territorial spatial planning. The results indicate that: 1) Urban agriculture was closely integrated with the cities. Besides the common characteristics of traditional agriculture, there were the unique features, such as symbiosis, efficiency, complexity, and personalization. The fundamental agricultural functions were also provided, such as supplying fresh agricultural products and technological innovation, as well as extended functions, like purifying the urban environment, resource recycling, urban landscapes, agrarian culture preservation, and urban experiences. Effective pathways were explored to fully realize the multifaceted functional values of urban agriculture, according to the theories of the supply-demand equilibrium, industrial multifunctionality, urban-rural integration, and agricultural location. 2) There were some mismatches between the supply of production factors and the demand for industrial upgrading, between the supply of agricultural products and the demand structure of urban residents, and between agricultural production and urban ecological resource protection in urban agriculture. Territorial spatial planning was then required to strengthen the protection and rational use of agricultural resources on the supply side. On the demand side was enhanced the planning guidance, spatial control, element assurance, and policy support. 3) Five tasks were proposed to promote and realize the agricultural values: A systematic evaluation was conducted to assess the urban agriculture; The targets were determined to clarify the direction of development; Spatial guidance was strengthened to establish the development pattern; Industrial guidance was optimized to propose the strategies for urban agriculture; The institutional mechanisms were improved to form the protective measures for urban agriculture. The “general, specialized, and detailed planning” were implemented to orderly develop the urban agriculture. The functional values were then achieved to consider the territorial spatial planning using supply-demand fit. The systematic guidance can also provide to optimize and allocate the agricultural resources in urban spaces.


