
    Supply-demand matching on ecosystem services in the Beijing-Tianjin Sandstorm Source Control Project Area

    • 摘要: 为明晰京津风沙源治理工程区生态系统服务供需时空格局特征及供需匹配关系,为区域生态系统管理与可持续发展提供建议,该研究量化评估了2000—2020年工程区内食物供给、水源涵养、碳固存、土壤保持和防风固沙5项生态系统服务供需,采用四象限模型法结合供需耦合协调度计算来探究供需匹配关系,并在此基础上进行综合管理分区,提出针对性规划管理建议。结果表明:1)2000—2020年,除水源涵养和防风固沙需求降低外,其他生态系统服务供需均有所增加。不同生态系统服务的供需存在空间异质性,但总体来看都呈现“东南高西北低”的空间格局。2)从供需匹配上来看,生态系统服务以低供给-低需求空间匹配和高供给-低需求空间错配为主,大部分地区仍处于生态脆弱、人口稀少的状态。3)工程区耦合协调度总体以中低水平为主,呈现显著空间分异性。高度协调区域较少,基本协调和中度失调区域分布较广,部分地区存在重度失调。4)基于供需匹配关系及供需耦合协调度,将研究区分为4类一级分区和6类二级分区,提质预防区应注重生态资源与产业的保护与效益提升,保护发展区应保护现有生态资源并带动产业协同发展,城镇优化区需在提高生态治理能力的前提下发展城镇,综合提升区需发展新业态重塑生态与经济关系。本研究结果为优化区域生态管理、提升供需匹配度和实现生态系统可持续利用提供了科学依据。


      Abstract: The Beijing-Tianjin Sandstorm Source Control Project is a significant ecological initiative in China, aiming to enhance the ecological environment quality in Beijing, Tianjin, and surrounding areas, thereby improving human well-being and social benefits. Ecosystem services are the benefits provided by ecosystems that support human activities and are essential for human well-being. The supply-demand relationship of ecosystem services reflects regional economic and social development levels and serves as a key indicator for assessing the balance between ecological environments and human needs. Studying the supply-demand relationship of ecosystem services in the project area aids in integrating ecological and human demands, evaluating project effectiveness, and informing ecological policies for improved restoration and compensation. This study examines the supply and demand of five ecosystem services—food provisioning, water retention, carbon sequestration, soil retention, and windbreak and sand fixation—from 2000 to 2020. Using modeling methods and a "people-based demand" approach, the spatiotemporal distribution of supply and demand is analyzed. The four-quadrant model and coupling coordination degree depict the matching relationship, while comprehensive management zoning offers governance recommendations. The results reveal significant spatial heterogeneity in ecosystem services. Except for windbreak and sand fixation demand concentrated in the eastern sandy regions, the distribution of other services shows a "high in the southeast, low in the northwest" pattern. Over time, food provisioning supply and demand rose by 61.93% and 16.84%, respectively; water retention supply increased by 48.01%, while demand decreased by 7.61%; carbon sequestration supply grew minimally (0.13%) against a 377.44% surge in demand; soil retention supply and demand rose by 38.38% and 73.2%, respectively; and windbreak and sand fixation supply grew by 3.88%, with demand decreasing by 47.12%. In terms of matching, the supply-demand relationship is dominated by "low-low" matches and "high-low" mismatches. Most regions are ecologically fragile and sparsely populated, with significant mismatches, especially for windbreak and sand fixation services. The coupling coordination degree is generally moderate to low, with few highly coordinated areas. Basic coordination and moderate imbalance dominate, while some regions face severe imbalance. Based on supply-demand relationships and coupling coordination, the study delineates four primary management zones. The "Enhancement and prevention" zone emphasizes ecological resource protection and efficiency improvement; the "Protection and development" zone balances resource safeguarding with industrial growth; the "Urban optimization" zone integrates urban development with ecological governance; and the "Comprehensive improvement" zone promotes industrial innovation to reshape ecology-economy dynamics. This study provides critical insights into ecological project management, resource optimization, and sustainable development of ecosystem services in the project area.


