
    Real-time local trajectory optimization of orchard robot using improved ALTRO

    • 摘要: 实时局部轨迹优化是果园机器人安全、稳定自主运行的重要保障。针对原始增广拉格朗日轨迹优化器算法存在迭代效率低下、易陷入数值病态及权重难以平衡等问题,该研究提出了一种基于改进ALTRO的果园机器人实时局部轨迹优化算法。在获得机器人全局参考轨迹的前提下,首先采用加速增广拉格朗日算法,改进ALTRO算法中的乘子迭代策略,实现算法的加速收敛;其次,加入乘子可行域投影,保证每次迭代更新得到的乘子都在可行域范围内,避免迭代次数较多导致的算法数值病态现象,提高算法的稳定性。最后,引入基于轨迹时间步长的自适应缩放因子,调整原算法中的终点权重,保证算法具有更好的局部障碍响应能力。基于相同参考路径及配置参数,在多障碍仿真场景中本文算法相较于原始ALTRO算法的运算时间减少32.76%,而在实物试验中,本文算法运算耗时相较原算法降低67.80%,且本文算法优化得到轨迹改进后算法得到轨迹在曲率最大值、平均曲率及曲率标准差三项表现上相较原算法分别下降了10.59%、2.98%及10.17%,在其余状态量和控制量的最大变化率、平均变化率和变化率标准差上,改进算法相较原算法分别下降了14.19%、3.61%及10.69%,轨迹的曲率表现和控制量变化都更加平滑,能够为机器人提供良好的运行参考。


      Abstract: Robots have been widely applied into agricultural production in an orchard. Real-time and local trajectory can be optimized for the safe and stable autonomous operation of orchard robots. However, the conventional Augmented Lagrangian TRajectory Optimizer (ALTRO) algorithm can easily fall into the numerical sickness for the difficult balance of weight, due mainly to the low efficiency of iteration. In this study, a real-time and local trajectory optimization was presented for the orchard robot using improved ALTRO. The global reference trajectory was obtained to input into the robot. The accelerated augmenting Lagrange algorithm was firstly adopted to replace the augmented Lagrange link of the original. The multiplier iteration strategy of ALTRO algorithm was improved to iteratively compute the Lagrangian multipliers with the higher convergence rate. More stability was also achieved in the accelerated convergence. Secondly, the multiplier was obtained to update each iteration within the feasible scope. The numerical stability was promoted to add the feasible domain projection of multiplier after the introduction of the Lagrange link. The updated value of multiplier was projected onto the feasible domain space, in order to ensure the rationality of the multiplier update. The numerical stability of the algorithm was improved to fully avoid the numerical ill-condition that caused by many iterations. Finally, the adaptive scaling factor was introduced using trajectory time step, in order to dynamically adjust the weight of the distance from the end point. Multiple cost weights were then balanced in the improved ALTRO algorithm. Excessive attention was removed to pose the target end point. The improved algorithm was responded better to the local obstacles during trajectory optimization.Based on the same reference path and configuration parameters, in the multi-obstacle simulation scenario, the calculation time of the proposed algorithm is reduced by 32.76% compared with the original ALTRO algorithm, while in the real experiment, the calculation time of the proposed algorithm is reduced by 67.80% compared with the original algorithm. Moreover, the trajectory obtained by the optimized algorithm in this paper is reduced by 10.59%, 2.98% and 10.17% respectively in terms of the maximum curvature, average curvature and standard deviation of curvature compared with the original algorithm. In terms of the maximum change rate, average change rate and standard deviation of change rate of the remaining state quantities and control quantities, Compared with the original algorithm, the improved algorithm decreases by 14.19%, 3.61% and 10.69% respectively, and the curvature performance and control changes of the trajectory are smoother, which can provide a good reference for the robot.


