
    Design and validation of multi-parameter control strategies for fan-pad cooling systems in summer rabbit housing

    • 摘要: 针对当前中国夏季兔舍湿帘-风机负压通风降温系统主要为单一温度调控,在高温高湿地区易出现水泵启停时机不当加剧动物热应激,高温低湿地区水泵启动后舍内温度剧烈波动等问题。该研究设计了一种多参数调控策略,针对高温高湿气候特点,设计了舍内温度、舍外湿度调控水泵启停的双参数调控策略;针对高温低湿气候特点,设计了舍内温度、舍外温度、舍外湿度调控水泵启停的多参数调控策略,设计在初次启动水泵时降低风机转速的“防骤降措施”,以及调整上水循环时间的“减缓温度波动措施”,该研究分别在山东青岛和甘肃庆阳的兔场进行试验。结果表明,青岛试验舍白天、夜晚舍内温湿指数(temperature-humidity index,THI)出现热应激(THI>27.8)占比分别为2.2%、0%,水泵启停较为合理。在庆阳兔场,启动“防骤降措施”后舍内温度骤降时间延长3倍,“减缓温度波动措施”可将舍内温度波动幅度由3℃降低至1℃以内;与人工调控的对照舍相比,处理舍能降低舍内昼夜温度波动,降低肉兔体温(P<0.05),使累积死亡率降低4.1%,总销售收入提高4.3%。该研究设计的多参数调控策略在不同气候条件下能充分发挥湿帘-风机降温系统的降温潜能,维持舍内环境稳定,提高经济效益。


      Abstract: In summer rabbit housing across China, most fan-pad cooling systems still rely on single-parameter temperature control. Under high temperature and high humidity conditions, improper activation or deactivation of the water pump often leads to excessive indoor humidity, thereby exacerbating heat stress in rabbits. Conversely, in high temperature and low humidity regions, starting the water pump can cause substantial indoor temperature swings. To address these challenges, this study proposes a multi-parameter control logic tailored to different climatic conditions. For high temperature and high humidity environments, a dual-parameter control strategy regulates the water pump based on indoor temperature and outdoor humidity. For high temperature and low humidity climates, a multi-parameter approach was implemented, incorporating indoor temperature, outdoor temperature, and outdoor humidity to determine water pump activation. In addition, a “prevent sudden drop” measure reduces fan speed when the pump is initially started, and “Temperature Fluctuation Mitigation Measures” adjust water circulation time to stabilize indoor conditions. Field experiments were conducted at rabbit farms in Qingdao, Shandong, and Qingyang, Gansu. The results indicate that in Qingdao, the proportion of time with a temperature-humidity index (THI) exceeding 27.8 was only 2.2% by day and 0% at night, indicating efficient pump on-off scheduling. In Qingyang, applying the “prevent sudden drop” measure tripled the time over which a sudden drop in temperature occurred, while the “Temperature Fluctuation Mitigation Measures” reduced indoor temperature fluctuation from 3 ℃ to within 1 ℃. Compared to a manually regulated Control house, this new strategy in the Treatment house lowered day-night temperature swings, decreased rabbit body temperature (P<0.05), reduced cumulative mortality by 4.1%, and increased total sales revenue by 4.3%. Overall, the multi-parameter control logic harnesses the cooling potential of the cooling pad and fans to maintain stable indoor environments in both high temperature high humidity and high temperature low humidity regions, ultimately improving animal welfare and economic outcomes.


