
    Effects of biochar from different sources on the maturity and humification during diverse materials synergistic composting

    • 摘要: 多元物料协同堆肥成为趋势,但将不同物料热解炭化为不同源生物炭,作为外源添加剂对堆肥腐熟度和腐殖化影响及其机制尚不明确。因此,该研究以猪粪、厨余垃圾和玉米秸秆为原料进行协同堆肥,将3种堆肥原料经高温热解炭化为生物炭(猪粪炭、厨余炭和秸秆炭)作为外源添加剂,探究3种不同源生物炭对多物料协同堆肥腐熟度和腐殖化的影响。结果表明:3种生物炭均促进堆肥升温,提高堆肥腐熟度。其中,猪粪炭和秸秆炭处理的腐熟度增加明显,堆肥产物的种子发芽指数(germination index, GI)分别比对照高23.42%和16.84%。同时,秸秆炭和厨余炭均能促进堆肥腐殖化,堆肥产物胡富比(humic acid/fulvic acid, HA/FA)分别比对照高67.31%和65.38%,猪粪炭处理略低于对照处理。因此,秸秆炭可以同时增强堆肥腐熟度和腐殖化程度。相关性分析表明,秸秆炭可以通过降低堆肥电导率(electrical conductivity, EC)和铵态氮(NH4+-N)含量提高堆肥腐熟度,并通过调控氮转化促进堆肥中腐殖质形成,提高堆肥腐殖化程度,这与秸秆炭巨大的比表面积和丰富的孔结构有关。综上所述,多物料协同堆肥中添加玉米秸秆生物炭可以同时增强堆肥腐熟度和腐殖化程度。


      Abstract: Diverse materials synergistic co-composting has been the prevailing trend for sustainable agriculture in recent years, according to the diverse types and complementary properties of organic wastes. Organic wastes can be used as composting raw materials. When converting to biochar after pyrolysis, the organic wastes can serve as external additives to regulate the maturity and humification during composting. Therefore, this study aims to explore the effect of biochar from three sources on the maturity and humification during diverse materials synergistic composting. The pig manure, kitchen waste, and corn straw were taken as the raw materials. At the same time, pig manure, kitchen waste, and stover biochar were transformed after high-temperature pyrolysis and then added to the pile. A systematic investigation was also implemented to clarify the effects of three biochars from different sources on the maturity and humification during the co-composting. The research results were as follows: Three types of biochar promoted the temperature and the compost maturity during composting. Among them, there was a significant increase in the maturity of the compost treated with pig manure biochar and stover biochar. The seed-germination index (GI) of the compost products was 23.42% and 16.84% higher than that of the control group, respectively. Meanwhile, both stover and kitchen waste biochar promoted the humification of composting. The ratio of humic acid to fulvic acid (HA/FA) of the compost products was 67.31% and 65.38% higher than that of the control group, respectively. While the treatment with pig manure biochar was slightly lower than that of the control treatment. Therefore, the treatment with the stover biochar simultaneously enhanced the compost maturity and the degree of humification. The correlation analysis indicated that the stover biochar improved the compost maturity by reducing the electrical conductivity (EC) and the content of ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N) of the compost, and then promoting the formation of humus in the compost by regulating nitrogen transformation, thereby enhancing the degree of compost humification. This property was attributed to the large specific surface area and abundant pore structure of stover biochar. In conclusion, the multi-material co-composting with the corn stover biochar can be expected to simultaneously enhance the compost maturity and the degree of humification.


