
    Effects and experiment of inlet pipes structure on the flow field in a circular pond of recirculating aquaculture system

    • 摘要: 循环水养殖系统中,养殖池的进水管结构会影响养殖池内的进水状态及水体流场分布,同时影响鱼类的生长及残饵粪便等悬浮颗粒物的排出。为了探索不同进水管结构对圆形养殖池内流场分布的影响规律,确定进水管的结构参数,该研究借助于计算流体力学软件建立了圆形养殖池的数值模型,通过仿真分析了不同进水管数量、射流角度及射流孔数量对圆形养殖池内的流场均匀性的影响,以速度分布均匀系数U50为评价指标对圆形养殖池内的流场均匀性进行评价,采用正交试验对圆形养殖池进水管结构的最佳参数进行优化;按照最优进水管结构参数构建了循环水养殖系统开展大口黑鲈养殖试验,对养殖过程中的水质变化以及大口黑鲈的生长指标变化进行检测,对养殖系统的流场及进水管最优结构参数进行验证。试验结果表明:当圆形养殖池配置3根进水管、且进水管成120°布置、单根进水管上的射流孔数量为6、进水管射流角度为45°时,圆形养殖池内的流场分布最为均匀;在0.1 m/s流速下,3组不同密度的大口黑鲈养殖池内亚硝酸盐氮的浓度小于等于0.2 mg/L、氨氮的浓度小于等于0.3 mg/L,水体的浊度值均低于0.3 NTU(nephelometric turbidity unit);3组密度养殖池内大口黑鲈样本的饵料系数最低为1.06,体质量增长率最高为161.03%,存活率最高为100%。该研究表明优化进水管结构有助于在圆形养殖池内形成均匀、稳定的流场,有利于悬浮颗粒物的排出及大口黑鲈的生长,可为循环水养殖系统进水管结构设计提供一定理论指导。


      Abstract: A homogeneous and stable flow field is required to promote the healthy growth of the fish in the recirculating aquaculture systems. Among them, the structure of the inlet pipes can dominate the water inflow patterns and the distribution of the flow field in the aquaculture ponds. At the same time, there is also a great influence on the growth of the fish and the removal of suspended particulate matter, such as the uneaten feed and the feces. This study aims to investigate the impacts of the different structures of the inlet pipes on the flow field distribution in circular aquaculture ponds. The optimal structural parameters of the inlet pipes were determined for the uniform distribution of the flow field. A numerical model was established for the circular aquaculture pond using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. A series of simulations were then conducted to verify the structural parameters, including the number of the inlet pipes, the ejection angle of each inlet pipe, and the number of the jet holes on the inlet pipes. The uniformity of the flow field was evaluated, according to the uniformity coefficient of velocity distribution U50 as an assessment indicator. Orthogonal experiments were designed to obtain the optimal combination for the structural parameters of the inlet pipes in the circular aquaculture pond. Simultaneously, a recirculating aquaculture system was constructed in accordance with the optimal structure parameters of the inlet pipes. An aquaculture experiment was carried out on Micropterus salmoides, in order to verify the optimization. The flow field was then evaluated to monitor the water quality and the growth indicators of Micropterus salmoides samples in the aquaculture system. The experimental results demonstrate that the most uniform distribution of the flow field was achieved, when the circular aquaculture pond was equipped with three inlet pipes arranged at 120°, with six jet holes on each single inlet pipe and a jet angle of 45° for the inlet pipe. Three groups of Micropterus salmoides aquaculture experiments were conducted with different densities at the water flow velocity of 0.1 m/s. The concentration values of the nitrite and ammonia nitrogen were less than or equal to 0.2 and 0.3mg/L, respectively in the aquaculture pond. The turbidity values of the water were all lower than 0.3 NTU (nephelometric turbidity unit), indicating the high water quality and the low level of the suspended particles. The lowest feed coefficient of Micropterus salmoides samples with the three different density groups was 1.06, while the highest weight gain rate was 161.03%, and the highest survival rate was 100%. The flow field contributed to the weight gain rate of fish for the favorable survival rate of the fish population. The feed coefficient of fish was also reduced to facilitate the healthy growth of fish. The optimal structure of the inlet pipes was conducive to the uniform and stable flow field in a circular aquaculture pond. The suspended particulate matter was effectively discharged to maintain the water quality of the aquaculture water body. The finding can provide theoretical guidance to optimize the structures of the inlet pipes for the uniform flow field in a recirculating aquaculture system.


