
    Optimizing public space structure of traditional villages coupling SNA and spatial syntax

    • 摘要: 快速城镇化影响下,传统村落公共空间演变与社会需求错位的问题凸显,从物质空间与社会需求相匹配的视角开展公共空间的结构特征分析,并提出优化方案显得极为迫切。当前研究多聚焦于单一类型与层级的公共空间,且对空间整体以及空间中使用主体的考虑不足,尚不能对当前传统村落公共空间的更新优化提供科学指引。研究以北京市南窖村为例,通过耦合社会网络分析(social network analysis, SNA)法与空间句法,建立客观物质空间网络与轴线模型以及主观村民行为网络模型,对公共空间结构进行“村域-街巷-节点”多层级解析,以探究村民视角下公共空间节点与街巷空间互动机制。结果表明:1)南窖村聚落空间呈带状分布,形成了中部聚集、边缘分散、内部街巷均匀分布的聚落肌理。公共空间呈现为以历史文化区域为中心、交通干道为轴的空间网络结构。具有相似空间特征的聚落形态在京西山地河谷型传统聚落中广泛分布。2)南窖村可理解度为0.44661,村民行为网络密度为0.0769,相较于物质空间网络0.1076有所下降,公共空间节点未能得到充分利用,这与南窖村较低的街巷空间连通性以及界面连续性导致部分空间节点无法与周围环境产生有效联系,进而在村民日常活动中被忽视有关。3)南窖村公共空间围绕聚落主街与历史文化设施,形成了具有倾向性的派系格局。派系内部节点连接密切,韧性较强,村民使用率高,派系之外,节点无法充分发挥空间潜力,这与中介节点与功能设施配套不足导致的村民行为感知弱化紧密相关。4)南窖村的村民活动的开展倾向于选择与生活空间有机融合且具有较高历史文化属性的公共空间,展现了京西地区乡土社会厚重的历史文化习俗对村民行为偏好的影响。最后,研究针对性提出“连线-增点-赋能”的优化建议,以期为传统村落公共空间精确优化与可持续发展提供支持。


      Abstract: A misalignment can often be found between the spatial evolution of traditional villages and the needs of villagers under the rapid urbanization. Therefore, it is pressing on the structural characteristics of public spaces, from the perspective of material space with social demands and optimization. Current research has focused mainly on the single types or levels of public space. It is still lacking on the overall space or its users, particularly for the update and optimization of traditional village public spaces. This study aims to explore the relationship between the structural characteristics of public spaces in the traditional villages in the western Beijing region and residents' spatial use preferences. Nanjiao Village in Beijing was used as a case. Social Network Analysis (SNA) and Space Syntax were coupled to construct both an objective material space network and axial model, as well as a subjective villagers' behavioral network model. A multi-level analysis was then conducted on "village-streets-nodes" from a "point-line-plane" spatial perspective. The diagrammatic languages of SNA and Space Syntax were also integrated to visualize the structural characteristics of village public spaces, in order to explore the interaction between public space nodes and alley spaces. The results indicated: 1) The spatial form of Nanjiao Village was constrained by the mountains on both sides of the river valley, thus resulting in a band-like spatial structure with a main axis along North Street and a secondary axis along the ancient street. The central aggregation was also characterized for the peripheral dispersion and evenly distributed internal streets. Public space nodes were concentrated around North Street, the ancient street, and the historical cultural area that represented by the Niangniang Temple. A spatial network was formed to center on the village history and culture with major traffic routes as the axes. Similar settlement forms were widely distributed in the traditional valley villages with the same Niangniang Temple belief culture in western Beijing. 2) The intelligibility of Nanjiao Village was 0.446 61. The density of villager behavioral network was 0.076 9, which was a decrease, compared with the material space network of 0.107 6. The public space nodes were failed to fully utilize, indicating the lower spatial connectivity of streets and lanes and the continuity of interfaces in Nanjiao Village. Some spatial nodes were also failed to connect with the surrounding environment, which was then neglected in the villagers' daily activities. 3) The distribution of public space nodes in Nanjiao Village was centered around the main street and historical cultural facilities, indicating a factional pattern of public spaces. Simulation analysis and field research reveal that the nodes within each faction were closely connected with the strong resilience and high usage rates among villagers. The spatial network was weak outside the factions, with the ineffective connections between nodes. There were the insufficient intermediary nodes and functional facilities that weaken villagers' behavioral perception. 4) A clear tendency was found in the selection of activity venues by villagers. Specifically, public spaces were integrated organically with living spaces, indicating the high social, cultural attributes, and historical significance. More daily social activities were attracted than those along the main thoroughfare, indicating the profound influence of historical and cultural customs in western Beijing on villagers' behavioral preferences. Finally, the targeted optimization of "connection, node enhancement, and empowerment" was proposed for the precise and sustainable development of public spaces in traditional villages.


