
    Calibration and experiment of the discrete element simulation parameters for rapeseed stems during the suitable harvest period

    • 摘要: 为解决在联合收获时油菜脱粒仿真过程缺乏准确可靠的接触参数和粘结参数的问题,该研究以联合收获适收期油菜茎秆为对象,利用离散元仿真(enhanced discrete element method,EDEM)软件构建油菜茎秆离散元模型,对模型的接触参数和粘结参数进行标定与优化。针对接触模型参数,依次通过Plackett-Burman试验、最陡爬坡试验和Box-Behnken试验,完成油菜中部茎秆仿真接触参数的标定,并得出其数学模型以及模型的一组最优解;针对粘结模型参数,先应用Plackett-Burman试验筛选出影响最大弯曲破坏力的显著因素,再通过二次回归正交组合试验,找出二次回归方程,借助优化求解工具,求出显著因素的最优参数组合。结果表明:在接触模型中,茎秆剪切模量、茎秆-钢板的静摩擦系数和茎秆-茎秆的静摩擦系数对接触模型影响显著(P<0.05),分别为17.251 MPa、0.353、0.383,在优化的参数下堆积角仿真值与实际堆积角相对误差为0.36%;在粘结模型中,单位面积法向接触刚度、单位面积切向接触刚度对粘结模型影响显著,分别为1.89×1010、1.54×1010 N/m3,在优化的参数下弯曲仿真试验表现与实际试验表现一致,最大弯曲破坏力仿真值与实际值相对误差为0.47%,可较好表现适收期油菜茎秆受击打而弯曲折断的力学特性,该研究可为优化油菜联合收获机脱粒装置的结构参数和研究油菜收获过程等研究提供一定的理论基础。


      Abstract: Accurate and reliable contact and bonding parameters can greatly contribute to the simulations of rapeseed threshing during combined harvesting. In this study, a discrete element model of rapeseed stems was constructed to facilitate the calibration and optimization of the contact and bonding parameters using EDEM software. Initially, the contact model parameters were refined. A Plackett-Burman test was employed to identify the significant influencing factors on the bulk density angle of rapeseed stems. Multiple factors were determined to clarify the most substantial impact on the outcome. After that, the steepest ascent test was used to explore the best ranges for these parameters. The iterative approach was used to narrow down the parameter values for the best simulation. Furthermore, the Box-Behnken test was conducted to fine-tune the calibration of the contact parameters for the middle portion of the rapeseed stem using the response surface method. The parameters were also optimized to explore the interactions among the variables and their effects on the simulation. As such, mathematical equations were derived to integrate the experimental indicators into factors. An optimal set of parameter values was determined to validate their accuracy and reliability using additional experiments. The parameters of the bonding model were also determined as the most influential factors in the maximum bending failure force. A Plackett-Burman test was also applied to identify the key influencing parameters on the bonding characteristics of rapeseed stems. Subsequently, a quadratic regression orthogonal combination test was employed to derive a quadratic regression equation, particularly with the relationship between the significant factors and the bending failure force. The best combination of parameters was then identified for the bonding model. The most accurate simulation was achieved using the optimal parameters. The results reveal that three parameters: stem shear modulus, the static friction coefficient between the stem and the steel plate, and the static friction coefficient between stems were particularly influential in the contact model. The shear modulus was found to be 17.251 MPa, while the static friction coefficients were 0.353 and 0.383, respectively. In the optimized parameters, the relative error between the simulated and actual bulk density angles was minimized to 0.36%, indicating the high accuracy of the simulation. Furthermore, the unit area normal contact stiffness and the unit area tangential contact stiffness were identified as significant factors in the bonding model. The values of parameters were 1.89×1010 and 1.54×1010 N/m3, respectively. Once these optimized parameters were applied, the bending simulation closely matched the actual test, with a relative error of 0.47% for the maximum bending failure force. In conclusion, the rapeseed threshing was better simulated to accurately calibrate and optimize the contact and bonding parameters. The findings can also provide a robust representation of the mechanical properties of rapeseed stems when subjected to impact and bending. A great contribution can also be given to enhance the design and functionality of rapeseed combine harvester threshing devices. The structural parameters of harvesting equipment can also be optimized to improve the overall efficiency of rapeseed harvesting.


