
    Effects of acidified storage conditions on nutrient retention and heavy metal removal in caged duck manure wastewater

    • 摘要: 为解决笼养鸭粪水在传统开放贮藏中氮素流失迅速、重金属残留率高,导致其失去肥效性等问题,该研究设计了一种准厌氧贮藏鸭粪水技术,设置了自然酸碱度组以及pH值分别控制为4、5、6、7等不同处理组,通过接种有效微生物(effective microorganisms,EM)和光合细菌(photosynthetic bacteria,PSB)并保持准厌氧的贮藏方法,连续12个月跟踪分析各处理鸭粪水中氮、磷、钾、碳含量以及Cu2+和Zn2+含量的演变规律。结果显示,在经历12个月的准厌氧贮藏后,鸭粪水中物质发生相分离,形成浮壳、液相主体和固体沉淀物三部分。不同酸度处理组的鸭粪水液相主体中主要成分含量具有非常明显的差异。在pH值为4酸性环境中,鸭粪水液相总有机碳在贮藏过程中显著积累(P<0.05);氨氮含量先上升后趋于稳定,能有效保存氮素,贮藏结束时,氨氮含量达到2785.07 mg/L,显著高于其他酸度控制的处理组(P<0.05);总磷含量先下降后逐渐恢复至初始值的99.14%,表明磷元素在鸭粪水液相中的保留效果显著(P<0.05);而K+含量较初始值提升了11.02%。同时鸭粪水液相中Cu2+和Zn2+的去除率分别达到82.02%和90.15%,能有效降低液相鸭粪水肥料化利用中存在的重金属污染风险;可见,在鸭粪水的准厌氧贮藏过程中,保持鸭粪水pH值为4,接种EM和PSB两类有益菌,对其液相主体的保肥效果最好,重金属去除效率最高,是解决规模化笼养鸭粪水肥料化利用的有效技术手段。


      Abstract: Caged duck industry has developed rapidly to solve the pollution of water environment that caused by the free-range breeding. However, the large volumes and high moisture content can be found in the feces of caged ducks, leading to mismatch the time required for fertilizer demanding of major crops, such as paddy rice. It is often required for the storage. The conventional long-term open-storage of high moisture content duck feces (HMCDF) can lead to the rapid nitrogen escape and a prominent residue of heavy metal (Cu2+ and Zn2+). The low nitrogen content and high residual of heavy metals can cause the great loss in the value of HMCDF as a fertilizer. It is essential to promote the sustainable development of the caged duck industry. This study aims to continuously track the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and carbon content, as well as the concentrations of Cu2+ and Zn2+ in the liquid phase of HMCDF under quasi-anaerobic storage conditions for a duration of 12 months. Effective microorganisms (EM) and photosynthetic bacteria (PSB) were inoculated sequentially, with pH monitored every two weeks. Sulfuric acid was gradually added to maintain the liquid phase pH at the required experimental levels. Phase separation occurred in the substances in HMCDF after 12 months of quasi-anaerobic storage, leading to the formation of floating layer, liquid phase, and solid sediment. There were the significant differences (P<0.05) among the different acidity treatments. The total organic carbon (TOC) in the liquid phase of HMCDF was accumulated significantly (P<0.05) in the acidic environment of pH 4. The TOC content reached 10366.67 mg/L at the end of storage; The ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N) content firstly increased and then stabilized, thus effectively preserving nitrogen. The NH4+-N content reached 2785.07 mg/L; The total phosphorus (TP) content firstly decreased and then gradually recovered to 99.14% of the initial value. The TP content reached 249.50 mg/L at the end of storage. There was the significant retention effect of phosphorus in the liquid phase of HMCDF; The removal rates of Cu2+ and Zn2+ in the liquid phase were 82.02% and 90.15%, respectively. Furthermore, the Cu2+ and Zn2+ contents were 0.64 and 0.16 mg/mL, respectively, at the end of storage. It was significantly reduced the heavy metal pollution risk in the fertilizer utilization of HMCDF; While the K+ content increased by 11.02% (reached 2430.67 mg/L) at the end of storage, compared with the initial value. The fertilizer efficacy of HMCDF was significantly enhanced to serve as a basal fertilizer after quasi-anaerobic storage. Therefore, the pH of the liquid phase at 4 was used to sequentially inoculate the liquid with EM and PSB. The best preservation and the highest efficiency of heavy metal removal were achieved in the quasi-anaerobic storage of HMCDF. This effective technical approach can be expected to solve the HMCDF issues in large-scale caged duck farms.


