
    Oscillating slide-cutting blade in shovel-type seedbed preparation machine for rapeseed direct seeding

    • 摘要: 针对长江中下游稻油轮作区水稻收获后秸秆留茬高且覆盖量大的作业工况,为提高油菜机械直播铲锹式种床整备机的秸秆切割能力、秸秆与土壤混合一致性和作业后秸秆在耕层深度上的垂直分布均匀性,该研究研制了一种适配于铲锹式耕地装置的往复滑切刀,在铲锹作业前预先对未耕地表层土壤进行扰动与秸秆切割。首先基于往复滑切刀滑切秸秆的动力学模型,确定满足要求的往复滑切刀刃口滑切角范围为31°~59°;建立了往复滑切刀摆动作业的运动学模型,分析了刃口动态滑切角与静态滑切角、转速、前进速度等参数的变化关系,结合铲锹式耕地装置运动学模型得出的往复滑切刀角速度变化趋势,使用阿基米德螺线对其刃口曲线进行设计。进一步通过DEM-MBD耦合仿真,选取曲柄转速、前进速度和刃口角为试验因素,以往复滑切刀秸秆切割效果和平均作业阻力为评价指标进行单因素及三因素三水平正交试验,根据极差和方差分析结果得出较优参数组合。田间试验结果表明,安装往复滑切刀的铲锹式种床整备机与未安装时相比,机组作业后长度小于100 mm的秸秆质量占比增加了17.09%,长度大于200 mm的秸秆质量占比降低了20.75%,耕后秸秆在土壤中的垂直分布均匀性提升了39.68%。研究可为该地区耕整地机具及关键部件的设计与改进提供参考。


      Abstract: A large amount of straw and high stubble can often be remained after rice harvest in the rice-rapeseed rotation areas of the mid-lower Yangtze River. It is very necessary to enhance the straw cutting for the high consistency of straw-soil mixing. In this study, an oscillating slide-cutting blade was developed in the shovel-type plowing device. The uniform vertical distribution of straw was also realized within the plow layer for the shovel-type seedbed preparation machine during rapeseed mechanical direct seeding. This blade was used to pre-disturb the soil surface, and then cut the straw before the shovel operation. Thereby the frequency of straw cutting was improved during operation. The structure and working parameters were then optimized in the shovel-type seedbed preparation machine. The edge curve of oscillating slide-cutting blade was then proposed, according to the principle of slide cutting. The dynamic model of straw cutting was also constructed for the oscillating slide-cutting blade. The slide-cutting angles were determined to be 31° to 59°, fully meeting the operational requirements. A kinematic model was also established for the oscillating operation of the blade. A systematic analysis was implemented to clarify the relationship between the dynamic and static slide-cutting angles, crank rotational speed, and forward speed. The angular velocity was finally derived for the oscillating slide-cutting blade in the shovel-type plowing device. Taking the high forward speed (0.9 m/s) and low crank rotational speed (240 r/min) as the critical parameters, the blade edge curve was designed, according to the Archimedean spiral. A simulation was performed on the oscillating slide-cutting blade that installed on the shovel-type tillage device using discrete element method (EDEM) software and multibody dynamics software (ADAMS). Crank rotational speed, forward speed, and blade edge angle were selected as the experimental factors, while the effectiveness of straw cutting and average working resistance were used as the evaluation indicators. Single-factor and three-factor, three-level orthogonal experiments were conducted to analyze the influence of each factor on the test indicators. The optimal combination of parameters was obtained using range and variance analysis. Field experiments were conducted at the rice-rapeseed rotation test base of Huazhong Agricultural University in western China. The experimental conditions were set as the surface after rice harvest, and the soil type was the clay soil. The average content of soil moisture before the test was 26.75%, the bulk density was 1.76 g/mm3, and the average soil cone index at a depth of 0-200 mm was 1 225.3 kPa. The average height of rice straw stubble was 405 mm, with a straw coverage of 1558 g/m2. Field experiment results indicated that all quality indicators of the shovel-type seedbed preparation machine reached the optimal levels after operation. The straw burial rate increased by 3.71% using oscillating slide-cutting blade. There was no significant impact on the tillage depth, seedbed surface, and soil fragmentation rate. In the case of oscillating slide-cutting blade, the proportion of straw shorter than 100 mm increased by 17.09%, while the proportion of straw longer than 200 mm decreased by 20.75%, and the uniformity of vertical straw distribution within the soil was improved by 39.68%. This finding can provide a strong reference for the key components in the tillage machinery.


