
    Design and test of automatic bag-feeding packaging machine of potatoes

    • 摘要: 针对现有马铃薯装袋机自动化程度及装袋效率低等问题,该研究基于塑料编织袋技术特点与农机相融合的设计思想,设计了一种给袋式马铃薯自动装袋机。采用给袋、开袋、上袋、套袋及装袋一体化装袋工艺,通过压轮给袋装置完成编织袋的前移输送,在破口开袋装置作用下编织袋两侧袋口分离,在上袋装置和夹撑装置的共同作用下完成马铃薯落料装袋。由PLC控制各机构动作工序,实现马铃薯自动装袋。结合塑料编织袋技术要求,对自动装袋作业过程进行分析,明确影响装袋效果的主要因素。以开袋率和装袋效率为评价指标,以压轮压力、吸盘吸附高度和吸附时间为试验因素,进行三因素三水平响应面试验,确定最优参数组合。验证试验结果表明,当压轮压力为71.0 N、吸盘吸附高度为80.0 mm、吸盘吸附时间为1.6 s时,编织袋开袋率为98.36%,装袋效率为68袋/min,各项性能指标满足实际工作要求。研究结果可为后续装备研发和优化改进提供参考。


      Abstract: Potato is the fourth largest grain crop in China. Mechanization operation is also ever-increasing with the largest area under potato cultivation in recent years. Among them, potato bagging has been one of the most important steps in the subsequent storage, transport, and sale during production. However, manual segmentation cannot fully meet the large-scale production needs in the potato industry, due to the low quality and efficiency of current bagging machines. In this study, an automatic packaging machine was designed to integrate the agricultural machinery using plastic woven bags. A series of operations were adopted, such as bag feeding, opening, lifting, covering, and bagging. Four modules were developed as the feeding with an upper pressure roller, the opening with a suction cup, and the lifting and bagging device. Specifically, the forward conveying of the woven bag was realized in the bag feeding device with an upper pressure roller. The openings were separated on both sides of the woven bag using a bag-opening device with suction cups. The woven bags were inserted and then lifted to the position below the hopper. Ultimately, the potato dropping was realized under the clamp bagging device. In addition, the photoelectric sensor was equipped to detect the forward position of the woven bag. A switch sensor of metal proximity was also utilized to detect the position of the bagging arm. A PLC was then used to control each mechanism for the automatic potato bagging. The potato bagging rate and bagging efficiency were improved in the machine. Then, the influencing parameters of key components were determined to combine with the technical requirements of plastic woven bags. With the upper roller pressure, suction cup adsorption height, and adsorption time as test factors, while the bag opening rate and bagging efficiency as evaluation indexes, a three-factor, three-level orthogonal experiment was carried out using Box-Behnken neutral combination design function in Design-Expert. Variance analysis was also performed to clarify the impact of the various experimental factors on the evaluation indicators using the response surface method (RSM). The working parameters were optimized to determine the optimal combination of parameters under the actual operations. The test results show that the bag opening rate of the woven bag was 98.36%, and the bagging efficiency was 68 bags/min when the wheel pressure was 71.0 N, the adsorption height of the suction cup was 80.0 mm, and the adsorption time of suction cup was 1.6 s. There was a stable coordination among the various parts of the bagging machine during operation. The performance indexes fully met the actual working requirements. The findings can also provide a strong reference developing and optimizing the bagging equipment in the potato industry.


