
    Erosion mechanism of loess slope failure induced by heavy rainfall

    • 摘要: 短时间内的强降雨入渗易使坡面发生水土流失、坡顶产生张拉裂缝、坡内形成优势通道,进而造成边坡发生侵蚀破坏。为了探究强降雨作用下黄土边坡破坏的侵蚀机制,该研究以杨凌黄土为研究对象,开展了强降雨条件下的大比尺模型试验,探究了黄土边坡在重力、水力、重力水力耦合作用下发生的侵蚀机制和过程。结果表明:(1)在降雨作用下,边坡表面的含水率曲线会经历“降雨迅速上升-趋于稳定-雨停下降-趋于稳定”和“降雨前期不变-迅速上升-趋于稳定”的变化,而坡内含水率仅部分上升,故越靠近坡体表面,土体强度越低,运动越剧烈;浸润锋入渗速率v1随着入渗深度的增加而逐渐减小,坡顶的v1约为坡面的3倍,故其入渗深度大于坡面;坡顶区域的浸润面呈现倒S形,坡面区域的浸润面基本与坡面平行。(2)黄土边坡侵蚀可分为3个阶段:局部裂缝(先坡顶后坡面)-冲蚀沟与坡顶裂缝发育-坡面滑蚀与坡顶滑塌(先坡面后坡顶);其中水力侵蚀是土体软化与局部裂缝-冲蚀沟与裂隙发育-坡面流蚀的过程;重力侵蚀是泻溜-坡顶裂缝-裂缝贯通坡顶坍塌的过程;混合侵蚀则是在水力和重力侵蚀上进一步发展,造成更为严重的破坏。(3)针对黄土边坡发生的侵蚀破坏治理措施应该从减少坡面冲蚀和降低坡顶入渗量着手。本研究可以为西北地区黄土边坡在降雨作用下的侵蚀破坏提供科学的防治措施。


      Abstract: Intense rainfall infiltration in a short period was prone to causing soil and water loss on the slope surface, tensile cracks at the top of the slope, and the formation of dominant channels within the slope. Subsequently, this resulted in erosion and damage of the slope. To investigate the erosion mechanisms underlying loess slope failure under heavy rainfall conditions. It achieved this by dynamically monitoring the variations of moisture content within the slope, the infiltration rate, the advancement of the saturation surface, and the changes in displacement. This study utilized Yangling loess as the research subject and conducted large-scale model tests. These tests systematically examined the erosion processes and mechanisms of loess slopes under the influence of gravity, hydraulic forces, and the coupled effects of gravity and water. And proposed corresponding engineering recommendations. The results indicated that: (1) Under the effect of rainfall, the moisture content curve on the slope surface underwent variations such as "rapid increase during rainfall - tendency towards stability - decrease after rainfall - tendency towards stability" and "unchanged in the early stage of rainfall - rapid increase - tendency towards stability". Nevertheless, the moisture content within the slope merely increased partially. Consequently, the closer to the slope surface, the lower the soil strength and the more vigorous the movement. The infiltration rate v1 of the wetting front gradually diminished with the increase of infiltration depth, and v1 at the slope top was approximately three times that at the slope surface. Hence, its infiltration depth was greater than that of the slope surface. The wetting front in the slope top region presented an inverted S shape. The wetting front in the slope surface region was basically parallel to the slope surface. (2) The erosion of loess slopes was classified into three stages: local cracking (first at the slope top and then on the slope surface) - the development of erosion gullies and cracks at the slope top - slope surface sliding erosion and slope top collapse (first on the slope surface and then at the slope top). Among these processes, hydraulic erosion involved soil softening and local cracks, followed by the formation of erosion gullies and fracture development, and ultimately resulted in surface runoff erosion. Gravity erosion was a process characterized by solifluction - crest crack - crack coalescence and crest collapse. Mixed erosion was an advanced form of degradation that built upon both hydraulic and gravity erosion, resulting in more extensive and severe damage. (3) The control measures for the erosion and damage occurring on loess slopes should have commenced by reducing surface erosion and lowering the infiltration quantity at the slope top. It was proposed that the slope surface be covered with ecological bags, which could not only prevent erosion but also facilitate ecological restoration. It was suggested that impervious measures be established at the top of the slope to minimize the infiltration of rainwater from the top. It was recommended that the entire surface of the slope be sprayed with cement mortar to form a protective layer on the slope and the top of the slope, thereby avoiding infiltration. This study offers scientific prevention and control measures for the erosion and damage of loess slopes in the northwest area under the action of rainfall.


