
    Comprehensive zoning of cultivated land quality improvement based on synergistic production characteristics and ecological stress in China

    • 摘要: 科学划定耕地质量提升分区对于实现耕地资源可持续利用具有重要意义。该研究从耕地适宜性、连片性、抗逆性等生产特性维度和生态胁迫维度构建耕地质量综合评价体系,对全国耕地的生产特性进行评价分级,并采用K-means聚类方法对生态胁迫因子进行聚类分析,在此基础上运用空间组合分类方法划定耕地质量提升综合分区。结果表明:1)围绕生产特性和生态胁迫构建耕地质量评价体系并开展分类评价能够较全面地反映中国耕地资源的质量特征,可为生产-生态协同的耕地质量提升提供有效支撑;2)中国耕地适宜性呈现由东向西递减的分布趋势,高度适宜耕地占全国耕地总面积的48.12%;连片性呈现“东北高、西南低”空间格局,高、中连片性耕地占比较大,分别占耕地总面积的35.32%和43.76%;较强抗逆性耕地数量多且分布广,占全国耕地总面积的59.07%,强、弱、较弱抗逆性耕地数量少且空间集聚;具有生态胁迫的耕地占全国耕地总面积的22.48%,广布于黄淮海平原区、北方干旱半干旱区、东北平原区和黄土高原区;3)基于生产特性与生态胁迫融合的视角,全国耕地资源可分为用养结合区、适宜改善区、空间优化区、设施完善区、生产综合提升区和生态修复区6个质量提升区,针对不同类型区提出了差异化的耕地质量调控和管理策略。研究可为新时期中国因地制宜地推进耕地质量提升工作提供科学借鉴。


      Abstract: Cultivated land can greatly contribute to national food security and sustainable agriculture. It is of great significance to determine the zones of arable land quality in recent years. The constraints of cultivated land quality can also be alleviated to realize the sustainable utilization of cultivated land resources. In this study, a comprehensive evaluation system of cultivated land quality was constructed from the dimensions of the production (such as suitability, connectivity, and resistance) and the ecological stress. The production characteristics of cultivated land in China were evaluated and then graded from the grid scale. The k-means clustering method was adopted to determine the ecological stress factors. A four-dimensional spatial concept model was used to characterize the combination of "suitability- connectivity-resistance-ecological stress" of cultivated land. The comprehensive zoning of cultivated land quality improvement was established to combine the number of disadvantageous dimensions and the principle of relative advantage. The results showed that: 1) Production characteristics and ecological stress were integrated to construct the evaluation system of cultivated land quality. The classification was performed better on the quality characteristics of cultivated land resources. Effective support was also provided for the production-ecological coordination of cultivated land quality improvement. 2) There were significant spatial differences in the suitability, connectivity, resistance, and ecological stress of cultivated land resources. The cultivated land shared high and moderate suitability, indicating a decreasing trend from the east to the west. The spatial pattern of connectivity for the cultivated land was "high in the northeast and low in the southwest". There were widely distributed areas in a large quantity of cultivated land with moderate resistance. While there were spatially concentrated areas in the small quantity of high, low, and poor stress-resistant cultivated land. Specifically, the cultivated land with ecological stress was widely distributed in the Huang-Huai-hai Plain, Northern arid and semiarid region, Northeast China Plain, and Loess Plateau. 3) The areas of cultivated land quality were divided into six zones: conservation and utilization, suitability improvement, spatial optimization, facility improvement, comprehensive enhancement, and ecological restoration zone. Corresponding strategies were proposed for the construction, utilization regulation, and management of cultivated land, according to the characteristics of different zones. The finding can also provide a strong reference to guide and coordinate the improvement of cultivated land quality, according to the local conditions in the new era. The efficiency of resource allocation was enhanced to realize the national strategy of food security, such as storing grain on the land.


