
    Land use functional conflicts: connotation analysis, theoretical foundation, and research framework

    • 摘要: 土地利用冲突是土地科学领域的重要研究热点,其研究视角具有多维性。鉴于现有研究缺乏土地利用功能视角下的土地利用冲突的理论构建,本研究提出了土地利用功能性冲突概念,梳理了相关理论基础,剖析了土地利用功能性冲突的概念内涵,并构建了系统性的研究框架。结果表明:1)土地利用功能性冲突是土地利用冲突集合中的一种,其内涵为土地资源利用过程中利益相关者因土地利用功能而围绕土地利用方式产生的利益对立。2)土地利用功能性冲突具有复杂性和交叉性,其理论基础包括社会冲突理论、利益相关者理论、可持续发展理论以及人地关系理论。3)土地利用功能性冲突可被理解为由生产函数、效用函数和冲突函数构成的链式过程。4)以“冲突识别-机理剖析-冲突治理”为脉络的土地利用功能性冲突研究框架是系统研究土地利用功能性冲突的基本逻辑。本研究不仅丰富和完善了土地利用冲突的理论体系,还为国土空间治理提供了思路和依据,有助于推进生态文明建设和自然资源的可持续管理。


      Abstract: Land use conflict is a significant research topic in the field of land science, characterized by its multidimensional perspective. As the focus of land science research has shifted from land use/cover change to human-environment interactions, studies on land use functions and related themes have gradually emerged at the forefront of current land system science. However, there is limited research focused on land use functional conflict, and there is a notable gap in the systematic theoretical development of the opposing interests that arise among stakeholders regarding land use functions. To address this gap, the study first reviewed the various definitions of land use conflicts that have yet to reach a consensus. By identifying the commonalities across these definitions, land use conflict was defined as the opposition of interests among stakeholders arising from land in the process of land resource utilization. Secondly, the study clarified the concept of land use functions, framing it as the various products or services provided by the land system. Based on the definitions of land use conflicts and land use functions, the study introduced the concept of land use functional conflict, defining it as the opposition of interests among stakeholders arising from land use functions in the process of land resource utilization, and analyzed the rationale and necessity of adopting the land use function perspective. Following the definition of land use functional conflict, the study analyzed its theoretical foundations, including social conflict theory, stakeholder theory, sustainable development theory, and human-environment relationship theory. Inspired by the study of ecosystem service cascades and drawing on the characteristics of land use functions, this study proposed a conceptual framework for land use functional conflict, with the core chain process of "production function-utility function-conflict function." Finally, the study proposed a research framework for land use functional conflict, structured around the "conflict identification-mechanism analysis-conflict governance" continuum. In this framework, conflict identification followed the logical process of "identifying land use functions—identifying stakeholders—measuring land use function benefits-measuring land use functional conflict." The mechanism analysis was designed to construct a multi-scale analysis framework for the conflict formation process, which included the conflict subject, the conflict object, and the institutional environment. Regarding conflict governance, a framework that combined stable institutional structures with flexible policies and policy tools was developed. In conclusion, this study not only enriched and enhanced the theoretical system of land use conflict but also provided scientific evidence for researching land use functional conflicts and offered guidelines and decision-making references for optimizing land resource allocation.


