
    Ecological regionalization of grain storage in Jilin based on water and heat balance model of grain

    • 摘要: 为了达到粮食安全储藏的目的,该文以玉米为研究对象,通过粮食湿热平衡理论与模型融合了温度和相对湿度对粮食储藏的影响,计算出粮食平衡水分(equilibrium moisture content, EMC),采用聚类分析方法和GIS空间数据分析手段,划定了吉林省粮食储藏生态区域,克服了单因素划分存在的弊端,为粮食储藏安全提供可靠的科学依据。结果表明,吉林省粮食储藏区域可划分为3个区:Ⅰ区为中西部平原区,包括白城、长春、四平等地区;Ⅱ区为中东部半山区,包括吉林、辽源、梅河口、通化、白山部分地区等;Ⅲ区为东部山区,包括延边地区、长白等地区。该文分析了各区域年平均空气相对湿度、年平均温度、年平均风速、年平均降水量以及年平均日照时数的变化特点,对采用适宜粮食储藏方法提出建议。通过粮食储藏区域划分,提出了不同的生态储粮模式。该研究为加强相应的储粮措施提供参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: According to all the weather data of cities and counties in Jilin Province from 2001 to 2012 publicly released by the National Weather Service, this paper took the corn as research object, and calculated the equilibrium moisture content of grain by combining the effects of temperature and relative humidity on grain storage through grain heat and humid balance theory and model, and adopted the spatial data analysis tool of GIS together with mathematical cluster analysis to delimit the ecological area for food storage in Jilin Province, which overcame the drawbacks of single factor division and provided a reliable scientific basis for grain storage safety. Jilin grain storage area can be divided into three zones: Zone Ⅰ is western plains of Jilin Province, including Baicheng, Changchun, Siping; Zone Ⅱ is in middle eastern area of Jilin Province, including Jilin, Liaoyuan, Meihekou, Tonghua and some areas of Hakusan; Zone Ⅲ is eastern mountainous region of Jilin Province, including Yanbian, Changbai and other areas. And food storage areas have different characteristics. Among three zones, ZoneⅠis located in the central and western plains of Jilin Province, which has higher temperature, smaller precipitation, smaller air relative humidity, bigger wind speed and longer sunshine hour. The climate is conducive to air circulation and suitable for grain storage. Therefore, this area is the best one among the ecological areas for grain storage in Jilin. The grain storage area should pay attention to reducing the grain temperature in the months from June to September, and mechanical cooling can be considered to solve the problem. Ecological grain storage mode should be continuous drying in medium-sized cooperatives and centralized storage of warehouse rations in this area. Zone Ⅱ is located in the Mid-eastern area of Jilin Province. Maybe due to the higher altitude, the region has higher air relative humidity, higher temperature, larger precipitation, minimum wind speed and shorter sunshine hour. This grain storage area from June to September should pay attention to ventilation, and mechanical ventilation can reduce the grain temperature. The main mode of grain storage should be small continuous drying and dry food storage in warehouse in this area. Zone Ⅲ is in the eastern mountains of Jilin Province. The climate is rather special in this region, which is east of the Sea of Japan, so climate is humid. This region is in the Changbai Mountain area and altitude is high, so this region has shorter daylight hour, higher air humidity, lower temperature, and larger precipitation and wind speed. Therefore, grain storage in this area should be considering technical measures such as mechanical ventilation and precipitation from June to September. And the main grain storage mode should be grain storage in farmers' warehouse together with precipitation, plus centralized storage of warehouse rations in this area. Equilibrium moisture content and equilibrium relative humidity are predicting trends of grain moisture, environment condition during grain storage is the determinants of changes of grain moisture content, and the appropriate treatment measures have important and extensive effect. This study analyzes the characteristics of climate in each grain storage area for appropriate method recommendation of grain storage. Dividing food storage area provides a scientific basis for scientific grain storage and grain storage security, and provides a theoretical basis for establishing applied technology and management systems according to the characteristics of China's grain storage area.


