
    Method for supervising and assessing eco-environment of organic food production bases based on high-resolution remote sensing data

    • 摘要: 该文的主要研究目的在于构建基于高分辨率遥感数据监测和评估有机食品基地生态环境和风险源的方法体系。为有机食品基地的审核、复核,以及常规监管提供技术支持与参考。首先,构建有机食品基地及其缓冲区内土地利用分类体系。由于有机食品基地内与有机食品基地缓冲区的监管目标不同,因此,构建了有机食品基地内外差别化的分类体系,分别描述有机食品基地内的结构及功能分区,以及缓冲区内的土地利用与风险源空间格局。在此基础上,构建有机食品基地遥感监管指标体系,并建立有机食品基地风险评估模型。最后,以吉林某有机食品基地为示范区,应用本研究的方法体系对该有机食品基地的生态环境和风险源进行了遥感监测。监测结果表明:该有机食品基地总面积为462.17 hm2,基地规模满足考核管理规定要求。其中,种植区面积461.16 hm2,占有机食品基地总面积的99.78%。种植区中,农膜种植区面积16.22 hm2,占有机食品基地总面积的3.51%,为进一步监管农膜回收提供数据支持。此外,该有机食品基地周边1 km缓冲区内发现风险源1处,为小型工矿企业,面积为1.95 hm2,经计算,该有机食品基地的生态环境风险指数(organic food bases risk index:OFBRI)为0.26,风险源面积与有机食品基地面积比值为0.42%,因此,风险等级为五级,风险程度较小。经应用示范,证明该研究方法是对有机食品基地进行监管的有效技术途径。


      Abstract: Abstract: Organic agriculture is an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. It is based on the minimal use of off-farm inputs and management practices that restore, maintain, and enhance ecological harmony. The benefits of organic farming include reducing chemical input and loss of land, enhancing food security, rural development, sustainable livelihoods, and environmental integrity. Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations. Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides, fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge, bioengineering, or ionizing radiation. The development of organic food production bases is the effective measure to protect eco-environment, reduce agricultural non-point source pollution, recover agroecosystem health, and is the important way to ensure food security. However, with the development of the organic food production bases, there is a pressing need for a supervision system in environmental protection department. The application's method and technique process for the supervision of organic food production bases in China are currently expected to be established and perfecedt further. It is significant to establish the method and technique process for the supervision of organic food production bases. This paper researches the method for monitoring the eco-environment in organic food production bases and its buffer areaa based on high-resolution remote sensing data, and introduces the model and method for evaluating the risks facing organic food production bases. Firstly, according to The National Organic Food Standards and appraisal management provisions for organic food production bases, the objectives to be supervised in organic food production bases are different from those in its buffer areas. So, the classification system for organic food production bases was established to describe the spatial pattern of organic food production bases and its buffer areas. Significantly, the classification in organic food production bases is different from its buffer areas. Secondly, the monitoring index system which was derived from the classification data was established to achieve a deeper level of assessment on the condition and the risk source of the organic food production bases. Then, in order to determine the level of risk, the model and method for risk assessment of organic food production bases was established. The organic food production bases risk index (OFBRI) was calculated based on the main monitoring index. Five-level risk assessment was used to differentiate risk degree, and the evaluation criteria of risk levels are introduced. Finally, the technique process is applied to monitor the eco-environment and risks source of one of organic food production base in Jilin province. After the actual application, this method has been proven with satisfactory results on technical features and functional obtained. It can enlarge the range of application of this method to various organic food production bases. The method and technique process for supervision of organic food production bases can provide technical support for check and review the requirement of organic food production bases.


