
    Application of cabin intelligent compartments based on expert system in fishing vessel

    • 摘要: 为了合理优化舱室布局,提高渔船设计工作效率,该文针对船舶设计过程中存在舱室划分重复性工作多、涉及知识面广、设计人员容易忽略公约、法规中规定等问题,在分析舱室划分基本理论方法和设计特点的基础上,通过建立舱室划分专家系统知识库和推理机制平台,探索基于专家系统的舱室智能化设计方法在渔船舱室设计中的应用。该设计方法以Visual Basic为编程语言,以CATIA软件为平台进行二次开发, 通过研发智能化程序模块,应用于某渔船设计过程,验证了程序的准确性和实用性。该程序的开发实现了输入较少数据推动快速建模能力,使舱室划分在满足渔船规则规范的同时,至少可以缩短整船设计周期5-10 d,为渔船智能化设计提供参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: The ship compartment partition and arrangement is the constantly repetitive work with a broad range of knowledge. Most of the previous ways are using man-machine interaction provided by software, complete the ship compartments partition by repeated design and stepwise refinement, or build equipment graphics library based on menu management through secondary development of some aided softwares, and finish the ship compartment partition by calling the graphics. Computer aid design/made (CAD/CAM) application has improved the design accuracy and contributed to improve the ship design and construction efficiency, but still these are try design methods. With the intelligent technology, expert system on ship compartment partition and arrangement design is established. Cabin intelligent design expert system based on parallel design method is a combined design process and evaluation process, and it unifies the knowledge engineering and computer aided software which is mainly based on the knowledge of the expert system, and the use of computer aided software realizes the intelligent ship design. This paper provides a theoretical basis for the solution of the main design parameters, laid a theoretical and technical foundation for seeking a new way of ship compartment arrangement design. Due to too much repetitive work, wide range of knowledge, and rules and regulations in design process being often ignored by designer, this paper puts forward an intelligent design method of fishing vessel cabin compartments, explores the cabin intelligent design method based on expert system applied in the design of the fishing vessel, provides a design method for a ship compartment design. In this paper, the overview of the development and its application in shipbuilding is analyzed, and domestic and international situation and development trend of intelligent design technology system as well as the basic theory and key technology of intelligent design such as composition, acquisition, representation and usage of knowledge are studied. According to the design features of ship compartment partition and arrangement, using expert system to solve such problems is proposed. And the theory and application genetic algorithm is introduced. Knowledge base and reasoning systems on ship compartment partition and arrangement is built. And compartments channel design is optimized using genetic algorithm. CATIA V5 software is secondary development in this system of knowledge engineering module. The overall structure and basic process framework of intelligent design is built according to compartment design features, and knowledge-based intelligent design system of ship compartments partition is developed using VB (visual basic), which is then applied to a 49.5 m tuna fishing vessel design and its accuracy and practicability of the procedures is verified. The development of the program realizes that the less data is needed to input to promote the rapid modeling ability, make the compartment in the fishing rules satisfy the specification at the same time, and at least can shorten the whole ship design cycle by 5-10 working days. It provides the theory and technology reference for the intelligent design of fishing boats.


