

    • 摘要: 本文阐述的是本世纪末的中国农村能源发展战略。在分析农村能源资源、农村经济发展情况及农村能源供应等外生变量基础上,提出建立开放型的立体农村能源工程体系。该体系由农村各地域横向能源供应网络和纵向能源供应网络所组成,其主要支柱是农村小水力、小窑煤和沼气能源资源。所谓主要支柱并非可以解决全部能源需求,只是可靠、易得、开发周期短的主要能源来源。太阳能、风能、地热和国家供应的商品能也加入供应行列,但国家商品能源生产和新能源发展技术水平,还难以在本世纪末提高其在农村能源中的比重。发展农村能源的主要支柱,还可间接改善生态平衡,有利发展生态能源。


      Abstract: In correlated consideration of the extra generating variables such as the resources of rural energy, the development of rural economy and the supply of rural energy, the paper presents the rural energy development strategy in PRC. The paper suggests to establish a stereoscopic rural energy engineering system of open type. This syetem will be made up of rural interregional energy supply net work and government energy supply network. The mainstay of the energy supply in the rural area of China will be the small hydro-power, small-scale coal mine and biogas.The idea of the mainstay of energy supply does not mean the only energy supply by these three energy resources to solve the rural energy shortage problem in China. The real meaning of the mainstay is that these three energy resources are reliable, easy to obtain and exploited in a short period. Surely the solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy and those energies supplied by State commercial commoditiesare also the energy resources for rural area area but the productivity of State commercial commodities and the level of technical development of new energies impossible to reach the required proportion of the rural energy supply at the end of this century To develop these three energy resources as the three mainstays will benefit the ecological balance and tne development of ecological energy indirectly.


