摘要: 本文采用系统科学的原理和方法,研究县级农业产业系统的范畴、目标、功能和结构,并通过“农业产业结构图式模型”反映系统内诸元素之间的关系及系统与环境之间的关系。应用线性规划方法,以人均纯收入最大为目标函数,以社会对系统的要求、自然资源对系统的限制及系统内诸元素之间的相互制约作为主要约束,建立县级农业产业结构数学模型。应用电子计算技术,进行灵敏度分析,分析某些关键条件变化时,农业产业结构的方案及其变化趋势,从中选出可实施的优化方案。Abstract: Principles and methods of system science are applied in this paper to study the category, objectives, functions and structure of agricultural production system at county level, and "graphic model of agricultural production" is used to show the relationships among the factors within the system and that between the system and its environments. Then a mathematical model for agricultural production at county level is developed by using Linear Programming technique. Objective function in the model is to maximize the net return per capita, while the demands for the system by society, the limit to the resources within the system are considered as main constraints. After solving the model, analyse the obtained results and then sellect some optimized alternatives.