郑光华. 无土栽培的生产成本与发展前景[J]. 农业工程学报, 1988, 4(1): 65-71.
    引用本文: 郑光华. 无土栽培的生产成本与发展前景[J]. 农业工程学报, 1988, 4(1): 65-71.
    Zheng Guanghua. THE COSTS AND OUTLOOK OF SOILLESS GULTURE[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1988, 4(1): 65-71.
    Citation: Zheng Guanghua. THE COSTS AND OUTLOOK OF SOILLESS GULTURE[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1988, 4(1): 65-71.



    • 摘要: 无土栽培能防止土壤传染的病害,省水、省肥、高产,并能生产无污染的蔬菜,是农业生产上的一种革命。无土栽培的主要方式有袋培,岩棉培,深水岩棉培,基质水培,NFT,喷雾栽培和水雾培等。其生产成本以袋培最低,在我国应用效果良好,应首先进行推广。基质水培可以在部分经济条件较好的地区应用,NFT系统初期投资大,用电多,当前在我国不宜大面积推广,但时无土栽培的科学研究应该加强。


      Abstract: The water and fertilizers can be saved in the soilless culture systems. It prevents soil-born diseases con tamination, promotes early ripening and can get high yield as compare with ordinary soil culture. Vegetables can be produced with soilless culture without pollution. It is one of the revolutions in agriculture. The main systems of soilless culture are: bag culture system, rockwool, stationary water growing system, substrate-hydroponics, aeroponics, aerohydroponics etc.. The bag culture system is the cheapest and effectively used in China, it can be extended precedence over all others. Substrate-hydroponics can be used in some districts with good economic conditions. The initial investiment of NFT system is high, and the system consumes a lot of power. It would not be extended at commercial production in China at present time. But the scientific research of soilless culture should be strengthened.


