吴志行, 凌丽娟, 张义平. 蔬菜无土育苗基质选用理论与技术的研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 1988, 4(3): 20-27.
    引用本文: 吴志行, 凌丽娟, 张义平. 蔬菜无土育苗基质选用理论与技术的研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 1988, 4(3): 20-27.
    Wu Zhixing, Lin Lijuan, Zhang Yipine. STUDY OF THE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES OF SELECTING MEDIA FOR SOILLESS RAISING OF VEGETABLE SEEDLINGS[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1988, 4(3): 20-27.
    Citation: Wu Zhixing, Lin Lijuan, Zhang Yipine. STUDY OF THE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES OF SELECTING MEDIA FOR SOILLESS RAISING OF VEGETABLE SEEDLINGS[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1988, 4(3): 20-27.



    • 摘要: 我国的蔬菜价格低,在选用、配制无土育苗基质时必须因地制宜选资源丰富、价格便宜、能满足蔬菜苗期固定根系、保证根系有足够的水分、营养和空气供应的物质作基质。如煤渣、炭化砻糠、泥炭、蛭石以及种过平菇的棉籽壳等,郝可作沿蔬菜无土育苗的基质。 蔬菜无土育苗可以使用单一基质,也可用几种基质按不同比例配成的复合基质。试验测定证明:优良的蔬菜育苗基质粒径以0.5~10毫米,容重以0.1~0.8克/立方厘米,基质的总孔隙度以54~133%,基质的气水比例以1:4范围内较好。基质中固有营养元素含量的多少是次要的。蔬菜作物多数喜微酸性,育苗基质及营养液在使用前应调至pH6~7后使用。


      Abstract: Because the prices of vegetable products are low in our country, it is essential to select suitable media for Soilless Raising of Vegetable Secdlings(SRVS). These media should have rich natural resources and low cost, meet the requirements for the anchor of the root systcm of seedlings and provide adequate moisture, nutrition and air, Various materials may bc used for the media of SRVS, e.g, coal cinder, charred rice husk, peat, and vermiculite.In the three tables included in this paper, the physical characteristics of the SRVS media that arc commonly used at different areas in our country, the contonts of nutrient elements of some of the media, and the contents of nutrient elements of the peats at some areas in our country these tables provide the basicdata for the selection of a SRVS mono-medium at an area in our country.Both a mono-medium and a combined medium containing several diffcrcnt media mixed in a proportion may be used for SRVS. If a mono-mcdium can not meet the demands of the SRVS, a desirable combined medium may be made by mixing several media which are complenting in their properties. A good medium, mono-medium or combined medium, should has ideal physical characteristics. In this paper it is suggested that the diameter of a ideal medium ranges from 0.1 to 0.8g/cm3, the total porosity is from 54 to 133% and the ratio of air and water is 1 to 4, The contents of nutrient elements in medium is not the most important thing. If the charred rice husk is chosen as the medium,a proper readjustment of the prescription of the nutrient solution should be made according to the needs of the SRVS and the contents of nutrient elements in charred rice husk provided in this paper. Most vegetable crops prefer weak acidity. Theretore SRVS media and nutrient solutions should be adjusted to pH 6 to 7 before use.


