

    • 摘要: 农业工程技术推广是通过各种不同的方式和方法,有组织、有计划地引导农民在农业生产、生活和乡镇企业中应用农业工程的先进经验,先进技术和先进经营管理方法的活动;是把农业工程科学技术的潜在生产力转化为现实生产力的途径。 本文用国内外农业发展历史的事例说明了农业工程技术推广的重要性和必要性。 本文介绍了国际上常用的六种农业技术推广方法。总结了中国自1949年全国解放后农业工程技术推广方面的做法。并指出农业工程技术推广的特点是:在指导农民应用各种工程手段的同时,教农民采用相应的农、牧业产前、产中、产后的生产工艺,在推广工业产品时,需采用各种方法传授该产品从安装、调试直至运行、维修保养等全套技术予农民;监督工厂产品质量;并协助工厂解决原材料和制造工艺等问题;协调农民与工厂间的矛盾等等。 本文最后提出了对农业工程技木推广人员的要求,主要是要与农民一条心和有刻苦耐劳的精神。


      Abstract: The paper gives the definition of agricultural engineering technology extension, which is the planned activities for transferring the advanced experience, advanced technolgy and advanced management and administration technique in the field of agricultural engineering to peasants in improving their agricultural productions, daily lives and rural industries through suitable ways and means. In philosophic speaking, it is the way to transfer the potential productive forces into the real productive forces in the field of agricurtual engineering.The paper states the significance of agricultural engineering technology extension with historical facts both in China and other foregn countries.The paper introduces the six approaches to rural extension by Mr. Bertus Haverkort from the ICRE, 1983. The paper also summarizes the agricultural engineering technology extension in China since 1949, the Liberation of Chinese People, and the features of agricultural engineering technology extension. Here, the author wishes to point out the differences between the extension work of agricultural technology and agricultural engineering technology as follows: (1) The extension person not only teaches peasants the engineering techniques but also the agricultural techniques before, within and after producton in the agricultural engineering tecbnolgy extension. (2) when extending the machines, equipments or other engineering facilities,the extension man should teach peasants a complete set of technique such as how to install, run,repair, maintain, etc. (3) The extension man has to monitor the quality of those engineering products. (4) Sometimes, the extension man will help the manufacturers to get the raw materials or the manu facturiug techniques of the equipments to be extended. (5) If peasants have some contradictions with manufaeturer, the extension man should coordinate the contradiction.saThe paper asks the agricultural engineering extension men ought to have the same mind as peasants and the spirit of bearing hardship and standing hard work.


