This paper discusses briefly the necessity and feasibility of designing a Soybean Production Management Decision Support System (SPMDSS) in Heilongjiang province, PRC. The main steps and contents in designing SPM DSS are formulated as follows:(1) According to the data collected from 92 meteorological stations and the productivity factorsin 80 counties of Hei longjiang Province, the DB of natural resources and agricultural production are built respectively.(2) The MB is built with the computer program combined.(3) A multi-level menu driven user interface is then performed.six soybean prduction regions are devided for Heilongjiang province using Fuzzy division methed, The six regions are as follows: most suitable, more suitable, suitable ( southeast district) - suitable (northwest district) , unsuitable and most unsuitable regions. Six soybean production models are made according to the different regional conditions using Cobble-Douglas production functions.Finally, the paper concludes with the application trend of DSS in Heilongjiang province.