

    • 摘要: 我国水稻种植千百年来沿用着插秧,近年来有一些地方引用了直播种植。认为直播种植省工、省时和容易机械化,尤其是在除草剂有所发展和农村劳动力转移到乡镇企业与种田劳动力比较缺乏的地方。在这种情况下我国今后水稻种植应采用移栽还是直播,也就是说水稻种植应走移栽还是直播机械化的道路。通过对移栽与直播机械化的过去与现在、国内与国外有关资料的了解与分析,笔者认为我国水稻种植机械化面临三大问题:第一个问题是,从多方面论证,我国在今后相当长的时间内,农业发展的主攻方向是增加粮食产量,特别是提高单位面积产量,而不是单纯提高劳动生产率。因之我国大面积的水稻种植应以移栽为主。只有在劳动力比较缺乏和种植面积较大的少数地区因地制宜地发展直播。由于这样就引出了第二个育秧机械化和第三个插秧机械化问题。最后又针对这三个问题提出它们在我国今后的发展趋向。


      Abstract: Transplanting technology has been used for rice planting for many many years in China Recently, direct seeding is introduced in certain places and is recognized that it needs less power, less time to cultivate per unit area than transplanting and is easy to realize mechanization, especilly in paces where rice weedicides become popular and the shortage of the rural labor that shifts to the village and town industries owing to their developments is prom-inent.Under these conditions for the future in China what kind of mechanization of rice planting-transplanting or direct seeding mechanization will be led.Through the investigation and analysis of the rice cultivation in China and abroad, past and present the author points out three problems existing on the path of the Chinese rice mechanization.Transplanting or direct seeding mechanization is the 1st problern.The major objective of the Chinese agricultural development within a considerable period from now on is to increase the yield of crops especially to raise the yield per unit area, and is not simply to increase the labor productivity.Thus, a large rice growing aresa ought to use transplanting and its mechanization as the main way and only a small unmber of places where the shortage of the rural labor is prominent and the planting areas per unit labor is relatively large will take direct seeding and its mechanization.Owing to this fact, the 2nd problem, mechanization of rice seedlings raising arid the 3rd problem, mechanization of rice translanting are aroused. Finally, the solution or the future development of these three problems is discussed in this paper.


