
    A Study on the Technological Economic Benefit on Land Exploitation and Reclmation for Different Areas in the Whole China

    • 摘要: 本文在分析我国耕地开发和治理现状的基础上,将全国划分为6个开发治理类型区,在其中选出13个典型区。根据典型调查,搜集10年以上统计资料,选择统一的技术经济效益评价指标,采取综合评价方法评定技术经济效益,为今后确定耕地开发治理的重点地区和编制《全国土地利用总体规划》提供了重要依据。


      Abstract: Based on the present situation of exploited and reclaimed farmlands of the whole China, authors tried to divide into six different exploited and reclaimed regions. Among them , According to the pilot investigation of these districts , authors collected all the necessary data of more than ten years , selected the unified index of the techological economic benefit and used the synthetic evaluation method to assess the technoloical economic benefit. All these results can be used as the important basis for selecting the correct land to exploit and reclaim .At the same time , these results also can be used to work out "The Overall Plan of the Land Utilization of the Whole China".


