
    Strengthen International Exchange to Openup a New situation of the Science and Technology of the Agricultural Engineering in China

    • 摘要: 本文回顾了中国农业工程学科建立与发展的国际背景,强调在发展我国农业工程科学技术中,要吸收发达国家用各种现代工业技术装备农业的经验,致力于工程科技与农业生物科学的结合与渗透。文中综述了学会成立十年来开展国际合作与交流活动的情况和经验,讨论了下一个十年进一步促进学会国际合作活动的前景和近期建议采取的主要措施。


      Abstract: This paper reviews the international background of establishment and development of Chinese agricultural engineering discipline. Author points out the importance to learn experiences from developed countries in application of industrial technologies to agriculture. The combination and permeation of engineering techniques with agrobiology are stressed upon for the development of agricultural engineering discipline. Looking back the international academic exchange and cooperation since the formation of CSAE, the prospect of further promotion of international activities in next ten years and some proposed measures for the development in near future are described.


