
    Agricultural Engineering in China——Past,Present and future

    • 摘要: 按照现在科学发展的情况,农业科学包含着农业生物学、农业工程学和农业经济学三大分支科学。在农业工程方面,中国为了保证粮、棉、油等主要食物的稳定生产,自古以来,就非常重视农田水利建设和手工农具的设计制造,使全国有充裕的粮、棉、油供应人民,达到丰衣足食。1949年中华人民共和国成立后,政府仍很重视农田水利建设,同时发展农业机械化。1979年开始经济体制改革,在农业工程方面,农业工程工作者除继续发展农田水利和农业机械化外,还进行了如下的工作:农村电气化、农业建筑和环境控制、农村能源、土地利用工程、农业物料加工、农业工程经济、农业工程推广、农业系统工程和电子计算机、遥感技术以及其他新技术在农业上的应用。至1984年全国粮食总产量达到4.07亿吨,这是1949年总产量的3.6倍,全世界为之震惊。对将来,本文希望全国农业工程工作者应采用一切工程措施增加粮、棉、油的单产,并能降低生产成本以满足人口迅速增长和人民生活水平提高的需要。最后,本文着重指出,一切农业上的较大成就,都是农业生物工作者、农业工程工作者、农业经济工作者协调一致,共同努力的结果。


      Abstract: The paper stated that the agricultural science consists of three main branches, agricultural biology, agricultural engineering and agricultural economics. In the field of agricultural engineering, Chinese people paid great attention to agricultural water conservancy and farm implements in the ancient time to ensure the rich harvest of cereals, cotton and oil crops to supply the people with sufficient main food and fiber. This is why China has been existed in the world for more than five thousand years.Since 1949, the founding of People's Republic of China, Chinese Government still emphasized on water conservency and agricultural mechanization. In 1979, China started her national economy reformation,, Since then, besides water conservancy and agricultural mechanization, Chinese agricultural engineers started to study the following works: rural electrification, agricultural structure and environmental control, rural energy, land utilization engineering, processing of agricultural materials, agricultural engineering economics, agricultural engineering extersion, agricultural systems engineering and the application of computer and remote sensing techniques to agriculture, In 1984, the total annual field of was 407,120,000 tons which is 3.6 times as the total yield in 1949. The whole world recognized that it was an astonishing achievement.In the future time, the paper expects that all the Chinese agricultural engineers should study all the measures in the field of agriculetual engineering to increase the yield per unit area with low production cost of food and fiber to supply the rapid growth of population and heighten the living standard of people.Finally, the paper emphasizes that all the achievements of agricultural industry is impo ssible to get by the agricultural engineering alone, but agricultural engineers must cooperate with agricultural biologists and agricultural economists to work together coordinately for the same target which is the modernization of Chinese agricultrue.


