Looking Back and Leaping Forward the Animal Husbandry Engineering
摘要: 近十年来,集约化畜牧生产在中国的一些城市郊区有了很大发展,同时推动了畜牧工程技术的进展。这些工作表明,中国的畜牧工程技术人员已经具备了设计、建造畜牧工程与设备的能力。中国人多地少,资金与能源紧缺,发展以高投入、高能耗、精饲料型为特点的全封闭、高密度饲养方式显然不符合中国国情,而只能走适合自己的道路。在企业中任何工程措施的采用,所花代价必须由其在生产中的经济效益所补偿。在任何情况下衡量畜牧生产效益只能根据动物的生产性能,不能根据生产单位的机械化水平。在城市郊区不顾环境的承受能力,过分追求城市肉、蛋、奶自给,由于大量家畜粪尿得不到妥善处理,将构成严重的威胁。总之,中国畜牧工程的发展必须从中国国情出发,走农牧结合的道路。Abstract: Intensive animal production has developed rapidly in the suburb of big cities in the past ten years, and also taken a great advance in engineering-technology in this field in China. It means that Chinese agricultural engineers have the ability to design, construct, and manufacture all the modernized buildings and facilities for factory animal production.Complete confinement system, high investment, high energy consumption and fine concentrated feed are not fit the conditions of China at present time. All the costs for the engineering measures to be used in the animal industry in China at present time should be paid by the industry itself. So, the agricultural engineer has to consider what kind of engineering measures can be used on a certain factory animal farm.As a great amount of animal wastes will be excreted from factory animal farm every day, there must be certain appropriate facilities to treat them to avoid the environmental pollution of the city. If there are no or not enough such facilities it will be dangerous to extremely stress the self-supporting of meat, eggs and milk for the city itself.The efficiency of animal industry should only be measured by the performance of livestock or poultry production, but not by the level of machinization on the farm in any cases.The best way of developing the animal industry in China is to combine it with agriculture in the same region.