
    The Developed Ten Years of Research and Application on Agricultural Systems Approach in P.R.C

    • 摘要: 进入80年代,系统工程在中国农业上的应用得到了蓬勃的发展,它有着两个明显特点:普及与提高相结合、研究与推广应用相结合。通过举办农业系统工程培训班、密切结合中国国情,广泛组织卓有成效的应用研究工作,如农业区域经济发展规划,农业发展战略,农业病虫害防治策略、农业数据库、农业决策支持系统等。通过召开第一届农业系统工程国际会议和国内学术会议,促进了国内外同仁的技术交流和合作,有力地推动了中国农业系统工程的发展。


      Abstract: Since the 80s, to use the Systems Approach has been largely progressed in agriculture of PRC. It shows two characters, that is popular in combination with raise and research in combination with use. In past ten years, by means of tranning classes and extensive organizing applied study of Agricultural Systems Approach based on the China's real situations, so that the great effects had been taken, for example, Agricultural planning of economic development for a region, Agricultural strategy of development, Plant protection and it's policy, Agricultural data base, Agricultural forecasting and Decision Support System(DSS). Meanwhile, By means of national and international conferences of learning exchange in PRC, China's scholars cooperation and exchange with other countries' scholars was promoted and to advance development of Agricultural Systems Approach in China.


