
    The Organization Work of CSAE

    • 摘要: 本文介绍了学会秘书处在组织工作中的作用。通过与中国科学技术协会、地方农业工程学会、学会各工作委员会、专业委员会以及会员之间的联系,组织开展了国内外学术交流,科普宣传、技术培训和技术咨询活动,逐步建立、健全、完善了学会的各级组织机构及规章制度;并为加入国际组织及参与其活动创造了条件。


      Abstract: This paper introduces the organization work by. CSAE secretariat. CSAE, secretaria maked contact with CAST,Socities of agricultural engineering in the localities, spedalistic committees and memberships to do various kinds of organization works.Those are academic exchanges of internal and international , spreading science knowledge in the field of agricultural engineering, the technical training and technical consultation, Setting up organizations in the localities and perfecting necessary rules and regulations. Also, CSAE secretariat did its best for joining in C · I · G · R.


