
    Technological Extension & Service Work of CSAE

    • 摘要: 本文介绍了十年来中国农业工程学会在科学普及方面所做的一些工作,如技术培训和继续教育,编辑出版科普读物、制作科普录象、向农村推广实用技术等。本文还为今后的科普工作提出了建议。


      Abstract: This paper introduces the main work in the spreading of science knowledge in the fiels of agricultural engineering by CSAE in the past ten years. The extension and service work of CSAE consists of technical training, continuous education, editing and publishing popular science readings, making popular science videotapes and spreading practical technics in the rural area.The paper also advances some suggestions of the extension and service work of agricultural engineering of CSAE in future. They are as follows:(1)popularize those excellent scientific achievements of agricultural engineering directly to peasants.(2)The principal extension projects must be the practical, small-scale, short-term and high benefit ones,(3)CSAE should attach great importance to the continuous education.(4)CSAE should help and support those agricultural technical research association organized by farmers themselves.


