
    Survey and Analysis of the Losses in Grain Postproduction System

    • 摘要: 本文在对1987—1989年浙江金华、嘉兴、宁波三个试验基点进行早、晚稻损失测试基础上,采用方差分析和SSR法显著性检验,得到三种典型粮食产后处理系统和各处理环节的工程损失情况及其原因;证实了粮食产后处理系统的损失是十分严重的,减少这一损失是增加粮食有效产量的一个重要途径;文中提出了减少产后处理损失的若干措施和建议。


      Abstract: In this paper , survey and reseach on the grain loss of paddy postproduction were made at Jinhua, Jiaxing and Ningbo in Zhejiang province from 1987 to 1988. The quantity losses of the every operation in the three typical paddy postproduction systems have been obtained. By use of variance analysis and SSR method, the order of importance of operation and causes which affect the quantity loss have been reached. This paper shows that quantity losses of paddy postproduction systems are very high. Some methods of reducing the loss have been proposed.


