
    A Brief Discussion on the Application and Development of Both the Domestic and Foreign Phytotron Equipments

    • 摘要: 本文介绍了国内外人工气候装置应用发展的概况,作用与效果、分类与特征以及问题的讨论。例举了若干实验结果,充分说明了人工气候装置发展的必要性,也是农业科学工作者最有力的研究手段。


      Abstract: The paper introduces the application and development of both the domestic and foreign phytotron equipments. The author used the experimental results to discuss the functions, effcets, classifications, characteristics and problems to be happened about the phytotron equipments. The conclusion of the paper is that all these experimental results have shown the necessity and effective measure of phytotron equipments in agricultural research.


