Optical Nondestructive Detectingand sorting Egg By Its Frshness
摘要: 鸡蛋按新鲜度分级,对于其贮藏、流通和加工,都具有实际需要和重要意义。本文阐明了利用鸡蛋的光学特性对其新鲜度进行无损检测的基本原理。通过鸡蛋新鲜度的追踪试验,找出了透射率与新鲜度指标(哈夫单位、蛋黄指数和挥发性盐基氮)之间的对应关系。建立了鸡蛋的新鲜度因子,并得出了相应的等级分界值,可供制定鸡蛋品质无损检测标准和设计蛋品新鲜度分级装置时参考。Abstract: The basic principle of egg freshness detection with its optical properties in nondestructive form has been described. The relationship between the transmittance and the freshness evaluation criteria (Haugh Unit, Yolk coeficient and Voaltile salt nitrogen) has been found in the tracing test of the freshness. The freshness index represented by optical properties established could be used as the basis for egg freshness grader design and as the referennce for formulating the stanndard of nondestructive egg evaluation.