
    The Primary Study of Development Process of Greenhouses

    • 摘要: 保护地栽培(设施园艺)做为一种农业生产方式的出现和发展,在古代都是为宫廷和贵族服务。西欧是从古罗马帝国的第五代皇帝尼禄(Nero)时期(公元54—68年)掘坑后覆盖云母或滑石板片进行保护地栽培。中国确切的记载是在公元前33年汉朝时期,采取燃柴草加温的方法在室内进行蔬菜生产。由于封建迷信思想(认为食之有害)的影响长期以来没有得到发展。到唐朝(公元7世纪)又有利用温泉为宫廷种植瓜类的记载。至于北京温室的历史可以追溯到明朝中叶(公元16世纪)。许多栽培技术究竟从什么时候开始至今无法肯定,但一定比文字记载要早,这是完全可以肯定的。


      Abstract: The appearance and development of protective culture (facilities horticulture) as an agricultural productive method served the royal and the nobility in ancient tine. In west since the sth emperor-Nero time of the Roman Empire, mica sheet and talcum sheet were used to cover the digged pit where the protective culture was carried on.In China the exact record was in B.C.33 Han Dynasty,burning firewood was used to warm the house, in which the vegetable production was conducted.Because of the affection of feudalistic and superstitions ideolgy-it was harmful to eat these vegetables,the production had not been developed for a long time.In Tang Dynasty(A.D700).it was recorded that not spring was used to cultiivate certain melon for the court. As to the history of cucumber production in greenhouses in Beijing (peking) it can be traced back to the middle period of Ming Dynasty(A.D.1600).We firmly believe that the appearance of these things should be earlier than these writing vecord.


