郑光华. 十年来中国无土栽培的进展[J]. 农业工程学报, 1990, 6(2): 26-31.
    引用本文: 郑光华. 十年来中国无土栽培的进展[J]. 农业工程学报, 1990, 6(2): 26-31.
    Zheng Guanghua. Recent Decade Development of Soilless Culture in China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1990, 6(2): 26-31.
    Citation: Zheng Guanghua. Recent Decade Development of Soilless Culture in China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1990, 6(2): 26-31.


    Recent Decade Development of Soilless Culture in China

    • 摘要: 我国的无土栽培起步较晚,1975年只在温室内开始小面积生产,1989年全国已发展到8公顷。目前生产上采用的主要方式有袋培、槽培和少数营养液膜系统栽培。无土栽培所需要的设备和化肥已经全部国产化。现正在研究降低生产成本,有机肥和化肥混合使用,改进灌溉系统并提高生产效益。


      Abstract: The begining of soilless crop production in China is about a decade,laterthanwestern countries for many years, in 1979 only a small area for greenhouse soilless production.It is developed up to 8 ha. 1989 all over the country.The main soilless system for commercial production are bag and trough substrate culture,only alittlearea using NFT system.fertilizer and facilities of soillless system has beenproduced dy Chinese industrial enterprises.Atpresnet we are engaging to researchthe methods of low cost,combining with fertilizer and organic manure in substrate,improving irrigation system and raising production effctiveness.


