
    Studies on the Four-Dimension Governing Water System in Heilonggang Region Hebei Province

    • 摘要: 本项研究针对黑龙港地区水资源严重不足和降水时空分布不均的气候特点,提出了四维治水理论。在摸清四水转化规律和作物耗水规律的基础上,把降水、地表水、地下水、土壤水和农田耗水作为一个有机整体,以生态水利工程体系对四水进行跨时空调节,为缓解水资源的不足做出了有益的探讨。


      Abstract: The focus of this study was on the shortage of water resource and aneven distribution of precipitation on time and space caused by the climatic charater of HeiLong Gang region that suggest the theory of four-dimension governing water system. After the prospecting the regularity of four water inversion system, authors discovered that the plant expended water and the four water precipitation, ground surface water, subsoil water, soil water system - have certain relationship as an organic whole.According to the ecology system of water conservancy with the regulation of crossing time and space, to mitigate the shortage of water resource were also effectively disscussed in the paper.


