Discussion on Pollution-Reduction Courses in Developing Chemicals Application Equipments
摘要: 本文综述了中国农业药械发展现况,药械施用中的污染问题;探讨了药械发展中降低污染的途径。如“控制”与“消灭”的选择,综合防治与法规防治的推行,新型药械的创制,物理防治和生物防治器械的研制以及新型制剂及其施布机械的应用。Abstract: Present situation for developing chemicals application equipments and pollution problem in using the equipments are introduced. The courses of pollution-reduction in developing the equipments are discussed, such as, selecting "control" or "eradication", promoting integrated control and legal control, inventing novel equipments, evolving physical control and biological control equipments and adopting new chemicals formulations and their application equipments.