The Development of Treating and Recycling Technology for the Poultry Manure
摘要: 本文通过鸡粪加工利用的研究实践及对国内外有关技术成果的分析,综合评述了鸡粪作为资源再利用的途径、处理工艺和设施的现状与发展趋势;并就我国如何进一步应用物理、化学、生物等综合工程技术手段,深化和加快“鸡粪再利用技术”的研究开发等有关问题,进行了探讨。Abstract: According to the references and the anther's research work, this paper comments the technology and facilities for the treatment and utilization of poultry manure in chicken farms; and goes further into the discussion on the subject of poultry manure recycle by physical, chemical, biochemical and ther's engineering technology in China.