
    Agricultural Engineering Programming and AgriculturalEngineering Projects

    • 摘要: 针对国家开展农业大规模建设的需要,提出了制订农业工程规划及农业工程项目的问题;阐述了地区经济发展战略与农业工程规划、农业工程项目的关系,农业工程规划与项目的内容和特点以及规划、计划与项目的联系和区别;最后讨论了几种系统工程方法在制订规划工作中的应用问题。


      Abstract: Issues of agricultural engineering programming and agricultural engineering projects were presented in order to meet the needs of national large scale construction of agricultural regions. Discussions were focused on the relations between regional economic development strategy, regional agricultural engineering progam-ming and agricultural engineering projects; the content and characteristics of agricultural engineering programs and projects; and the relation and differences between long term programming, short term planning and projects. Finally, several methods of systems approach were introduced and discussed as to be applied to programming work.


